Shared stash from ladder, and stuff

I read the surveys and made a pdf with my own suggestions how the shared stash could transfer after the ladder reset, and still make ppl want to login to each new ladder.

You can find the pdf at:


Looking forward to D2R!

I like the inspect feature listed. I cannot count how many times I’ve dueled with a friend or two, and we would show each other our gear through trade window. This would be a welcome feature and would stay true to the vanilla feel.

I would actually add a little tidbit to the handshake required for inspect, and that is have some way for anti-spam on clicking inspect, or if you deny the first request they can’t make a request again unless they rejoin game, or something like that.

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Make only main stash to transfer to nl. You just have to choose what items to keep and maybe make a new toon to take some items you want to save from shared stash.

Problem solved.

In Path of Exile you can take out from transfered shared stash, but not put in. I think that makes it work becauce if all items in shared stash from ladder just are gone, they might get a lot of frustration in the support channels.

The reason why Path of Exile gets away with people still playing ladder league after reset is because they introduce new content every league. Diablo 2 wouldn’t have anything new to offer as Diablo Immortal, Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 are the natural continuation of the series. Adding anything new to Diablo 2 would disturb the nature flow of the lore.