Set theme overlap: sweeping wind and tempest rush

It is baffling to me that there are two sets which actively promote sweeping wind and tempest rush, and that shockingly enough the one which is more recently added and more purely devoted to TR would be the weaker (albeit slightly so) of the two.

This seems a very strange set design approach which needs to be reconsidered, as sets should provide truly unique play styles and currently SWK and PoJ overlap so much as to be practically indistinguishable play styles (even if they feel different to play by a little). There is less difference between these two sets as there would be between a LoD playstyle.

Here’s what I really don’t get: both must utilize sweeping wind, and yet in neither case does sweeping wind really do anything at all. Despite multipliers on affixes and set bonuses, neither set relies upon SW but must take it or else the build is crippled. All this skill does is make it possible to cast TR and run around and do dmg - what gives here?

I think sweeping wind has a place in monk playstyle, and I recall fondly the old SW builds with generators and WoL in vanilla and early ROS. But having played variants of SWK (WoL and TR) and the PoJ TR Build, it really doesn’t make sense to me to have two sets using SW and also TR as an option.

My advice/feedback/unsolicited opinion: make POJ the TR set but make SW do something. Currently cyclone strike is part of the playstyle with WKL but the set could easily work (too late now?) with using SW to do this pull-in effect. Whatever if that ship has sailed. For SWK I’d just as soon see this be the epiphany set, which skill would generate decoys similar to the Rabid Strike affix. The decoys don’t really do a thing, so all we need in the set is the dmg multiplier we get from SW, but this locks our item choice to vengeful wind, and even though Kyoshiro’s soul belt keeps up SW most don’t take it. Give the dmg bonus to Epiphany and let us gear for that IMO.

When i remember it right so many people claimed it before poj came up live. Its obvious a big mess. Sweeping wind would make some sense when it could be combined sgain with generator (so r6 set) and then would provide some cc immunity since r6 lackd there. But in all other setups sw is just a set bonus switch, not a dd spell.

there would be many ways of adding it into a build like brining it up on cesars bracers or whatsoever but there is some bad smelling thing making it a need for poj: you lose tr stacks when moving too fast.

also the change of vw wpn was just a waste (except stacks for swk). Still swk also feels wrong (the need of sw as spell and then not pushing its dmg). Why wasting an active slot for a nn spell except the additional spirit?

one thing would e.g. Giving poj 50%rcr or sonething like that for the defense.
swk 4p bonus is a waste, 2p and 6p needs sw but why?

so i think you’re right, it must be changed but there are so many glitches - where to start?


What is so baffling is that in spite of the bizarre design somehow through the multipliers it gets through SW it is the highest dmg and most desirable set build. I think SWK should work like UE does for DH, and thus be an amazing T16 build and maybe 130 ish tier for pushing, that seems fair. It’s major application should be for WoL and LTK, the latter needing a lot of work to make it viable for survive and dmg. Those seem to me to be affix related issues, a la Rolands builds for crusaders. Any set buffing a class of skills needs to have balanced items to reflect a reasonable playstyle with comparable damage and survive.

They could enhance SW damage with PoJ set if they fixed their attempt at Eye of the Storm. If that helm buffed SW damage significantly per stack of SW, it would not be OP during leveling until you get both VW and Eye of the Storm equipped, and it could give SW a chance to be a good damage dealer with PoJ. I suggested a while ago to have SW Cyclones orbit you (making you an Eye of the Storm) and to give the procced cyclones a BIG damage buff, since they do little damage overall. Then you can use TR to enable SW as your primary damage dealer.


here’s what i suggested in another thread:

I know it still a hold right click tempest rush basically but at least it would make a good farm build also another use for PoJ

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