Seasons hero armor

I think the Seasonal Heroes should each have a chance to complete the armor set, goals, etc. It would keep the game interesting to go back through in my opinion. Any thoughts? Thanks

What’s the point of this attitude towards a person’s very first post on the forum? Does it make you feel better mocking someone?

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No. The ‘free’ set is merely a stepping stone. Once one hero has a full set it is easy enough to earn bloodshards to use with other classes to get fully geared up. The Haedrig’s Gift sets are usually replaced fairly quickly with better upgrades anyways. No, one per season is enough.


You can do this, I believe, by changing regions. So, that’s what, twice (ignoring the one you start at)?

If it’s just to get a full set, no.

To get a “quickly & ready” new toon on another class:

Plus the trick gave by Nefertiri

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This is not a dating forum.

You also missed this point:
“These forums are here to provide you a friendly environment where you can discuss everything Diablo III with your fellow players.”

The word for what you were doing is condescension.
Just like calling other posters sweetheart is.


You can keep some general LoD items in your stash while farming on your first character and use them on the new one. Or each time you are at max bloodshards gamble with the new one you want to play with and also upgrade the rares you get from Kadala. Shouldn’t take too long to get either a decent starter LoD or set going, depending on the power of your primary one that is.


Haedrig’s Gift is just that, a gift. Many of us remember a time before the Gift when we had to raise a Season toon the hard way, just like you now have to do with any additional toons that did not get the Gift.
There was also no LoD gem back then which also makes it easier to raise secondary Season Heroes.


Since we have LoD, I’d suggest leveling that at least to some extend early on if one is going to level up adiitional characters. Even with some basic items one should be powerful enough to clear T10 and up fairly decently and farm the additional sets.

Considering there are some people who think even the only free set is too much and makes the seasons too easy, adding any further free sets would be a bad idea. Some have even suggested replacing the free set with LoD alone.


No need to replace the Gift set with LOD. We get LOD now on our second GR run which can actually come before the first Gift pieces.
I start with LOD when I don’t like the Gift Set.
I just did that in Asia with my Wizard. (on my other account)
I don’t like VYR so I put together a LOD Twister and raised a Gem of Ease to start my second toon. They share the LOD for now.
edit: I never post with my other account.

Lol, quite funny coming from someone with your history.

I didn’t play for a few years and when I came back I almost had the 6 piece gift before I even knew it was a thing. I was doing the journey for the stash tab and didn’t even know it was a thing. Such a pleasant surprise.