Seasonal vs. Non-Seasonal difficulty

Ya, never played much of a barbarian before so I had a steep learning curve.

As others have said, probably comes down to 2 things - map/mob spawn types (RNG) and seasonal buff giving you more DPS. With that said, from my personal experience, there’s no more than a 2-3 GR differential between season and non-seasonal - depending upon the seasonal theme buff of course.

I haven’t pushed with my NS DH - did a 123 with 6.5 mins to spare (s6 impale, post s21 HPS quiver buff) @ p2700 (SC character). I managed a 124 in s21 with inferior gear and only p1233, albeit HC, so more cautious. I reckon I could do a 126 in NS if I pushed really hard and last season, if I’d gotten a much better quiver, possibly a 125 with fishing. With that said, I had bad mobs on my 121/122/123 and 124 clears and bad elite types too, and still finished with 45 seconds to spare. So, ymmv.

I didn’t accumulatie baddies during season to benefit from the seasonal buff. Usually the buff spawned after the elite or boss was dead or just before moving next level.

Yes, I could have played that way, but I did not enjoy that playstyle.

Neadless to say, season theme did not do me much good.

Turns out, I can do roughly same gr level on ns than I could do on season.

Next season it might, if the shadow follows me to next level. Else it will be useless as well.

Makes me laugh when people tell me well you got all that paragon ofcourse you should be clearing high…in fact it’s the other way around my friends. Most season themes built around giving players more power or random effects range anywhere from 5 Gr gain to this season valued at 150 gr gain. Sorry to say OP but this has been the most overpowered season theme date. Ofcourse you would have trouble clearing the same lvl with only 300 paragon gain. The only requirement in season 21 to clear 150 is staying alive and amazing skills at pulling mobs or playing GOD dh.

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Next season your power boost is the 4th cube. Shadows won’t be that much help when you do high GRs

IN the ptr they were still helpful for GR 90-110…especially for a dh . I expect the necro was also quite effective

all of this has nothing to do with Dying… so you want to try again?

That joke of a theme was just that, a joke. It was a third grade programming exercise. You mean to tell me that the theme boosted damage etc. when the stupid third grade snowballs were not rolling around. You think it boosted damage etc. so high that I can’t even clear a GR one level in non-season than in season 21 after receiving over 300 more paragon points on my non-season hero’s?
I don’t buy it.

How does any ztoon clear a 150 if it doesn’t do a tremendous amount of damage then?


Didn’t you ever have a nice big stack of elites with their little minions and have the theme proc right on them? After spending around one and half minutes stacking them up and killing a bunch of small enemies?

It doesn’t need to influence everything all the time. One group with lets say 3 yellows/blues dying 30 seconds or a minute sooner than without is already enough.