Seasonal andor Not Seasonal [in]

Hello all!

Before putting any info below, I need to read about the Seasonal. I did on 7-31-19 so that I respect you.

Season 17- The Season of Nightmares is Now Live - Diablo III

There are two different situations that I’m including in this post.
An upgrade.
Able to change modes of Seasonal and/or Not Seasonal whenever.

About upgrade.
I hate starting at level 1 Seasonal; I’d rather pay instead.
As an upgrade.
People could pay for Seasonal for $20 [name your cost] as an permanent upgrade. That pays for all earned Seasonal things; not getting all Seasonal things in a box right after purchase; rather earning them; example could be playing T10 to earn for complete green sets where the greens are together; can make sense for story.
With $20 from each player who buys it. Blizzard team and players will want to improve Diablo 3 with expansions more! Like what happens on WoW.
Upgraded and non-upgraded players can play together.
When both modes play together, all Seasonal characters can be lowered to normal mode items with non-Seasonals; why Seasonals would rather play with Seasonals.

Able to change modes of Seasonal and/or Not Seasonal whenever.
If you makers won’t accept upgrade.
“You should be able to change your character from Seasonal or not Seasonal at menu screen whenever.”
Which wouldn’t be necessary if all players upgraded to Seasonal for $5.

Originally, I thought I’d title name this like the explanation of a whole sentence. Instead “Seasonal and/or Not Seasonal”.

My only two characters are not Seasonal, because I want to be able to play with my brother Paul who doesn’t use Seasonal characters.

I can try this also to see what you think. If left as is. Should I play Seasonal instead or not Seasonal?
Again, I want to share that I want to be able to change modes then whenever at menu.

For both situations.
Higher total paragon points shared to both modes. Satisfies people. Different wastes all the paragon points from the other mode.

From what I know, Seasonal characters get more out of the game than non Seasonal characters; upsets me much.
Another thought. Is that Seasonal and non Seasonal characters play together. And when items drop, it could balance out to what each mode is. Say if 2 players are Seasonal and 2 players are non Seasonal playing together, 1/2 gets better drops and half doesn’t.
Another idea is so that Seasonal characters with other Seasonal players will get the best drops.

About Seasonal, I could buy permanent access to it for $50. And to get 5 more stash tabs that way. Pet and more. Could make it really hard to get the green complete sets; like having to do Torment 10+ situations.
This purchased Seasonal would allow me to play with non-Seasonal players.

7-31-19, 12:03am. 49 views. People must care about Seasonal or not.


Spend more than 5 minutes playing the game by gearing up properly, and then come back to give us ideas.

No. Just no. I won’t go into all the reasons why. You don’t play seasonal, so I guess you don’t realize that when a season ends, your seasonal characters are converted to non-season - with all your gold and rewards, and your paragon XP (not levels) are rolled into your paragon pool. At start of the next season, you have option to create a new seasonal character or rebirth one of your existing ones to start again at lvl 1. If you don’t want to play seasons, that is your choice, but don’t complain about stash tabs, or the fancy wings, or the new pets, etc…that you don’t have. Just no.

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What time does the each Seasonal last?

Since I didn’t get to use up the Seasonal in the beginning, I should be able to access it once whenever I’m ready to use it. This is fair. And if I played enough, I’d even pay $5 once for keeping Seasonal; so at all times to get ahead more.

Usually lasts 3 months. Nothing is stopping you from accessing it right now. For current season you have about 2 or 3 weeks left, so get busy! New season will start about a week or so after this one ends, so start at the beginning then.

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You can play both seasonal and non-seasonal characters. It’s a decision you make when you create a new character.

So, you can play with your brother using your existing characters, and make a new character that is seasonal. (Check the season option when you create the character.)

When the season ends, any seasonal characters will be automatically converted to non-season characters, and stuff in the seasonal stash will be mailed to you.

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Oh boy.
Why am I even replying to this thread?


This was hilarious.

I appreciate you caring. If they can decide so, I learned that everybody would want to stay with Seasonal all the time. And if I was to play this game enough, I’d buy the Seasonal upgrade for $5.

Tell you what. I’m going to send you a friend request. Create a lvl 1 seasonal character and I’ll power lvl you to 70 in about 13 mins, okay?


I was busy. I also need to figure out what is going on.

I’m glad you asked first before doing so.

I want to get this gem off the head of my Witch Doctor before doing so, because I want to call my next witch doctor “Caller.” also.
Do you think I removing this gem is worth it?

And you can view my characters also.

I still want to be friends on Blizzard app for later gameplay. I thought that I could get to you on Facebook to see if you want to play Diablo 3.

I could share this below so people can help me more. This is mine. My Facebook is Timothy Mullenix.

I think the story can be reasonable with my witch doctor getting to level 70 really fast. I believe that a god could do that. Story that my character studied fighting from bounties and rifts. That a similar to a god trained my character to that level 70, possible.

There is some fun getting my witch doctor from level 1 to 70 slower. If I want to get Diablo 3 with an expansion done within my life faster, I should get power leveled. I could look at TV more then.

Your non-seasonal barbarian has [ 70 (1,145 paragon points)]

TITUBA. [ 70 (946 paragon points) Witch Doctor- Seasonal ]

Like 5 months from now, do your Seasonal paragon points stay with your future level 1 Seasonal characters ?

I thought someone else from leftover two weeks until end of Season has a level 70+ character to power level you. So that you can power level me.

I wish that these paragon points were shared for both Seasonal and non-Seasonal" You’d make a level 1 Seasonal character, and use all those paragon points earned from the level 70s you use."

You shared similarly that Season usually lasts 3 months. For current season we have about 2 or 3 weeks left. I thought about waiting until after 3 weeks left.
I thought playing without Season still satisfies.

We can text each other later on Blizzard player.

I’m wanting to look at news instead. Local TV news and/or Fox News on YouTube.

No, your seasonal paragon points don’t carry over to next seasons characters. Your seasonal paragon XP does get added to your non season paragon XP pool, though. For example, if your non season paragon was, oh, let’s say 200 and your seasonal paragon was 150. you would get somewhere around 275ish for your non season when the season ends. Next season you start over with zero - no gold, no items, no paragon. Just like a brand new character the first time you loaded the game. I don’t have facebook, so… And yes, if you create a seasonal character I can level you to 70 in about 15 minutes. It’s called pwerleveling. EZ to do. Naybe tomorrow. If I’m on and you are also I’ll send an invite.

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What is even happening in this thread


Not sure but I just scroll through quickly

The OP suggested being able to pay for sesonal play and to switch a character from seaonsl to ns at will. He has never played seasons, so I was explaining to him how they work and offering to show him, that’s all.

Nefertiri, you didn’t have to remove me from Blizzard chat. I could play Diablo 3 with expansions in the future. I’m trying to help you.