Season theme is op šŸ¤Ŗ

I agree. For once, in 19 S, we must adapt the way we play ā€¦
Well, I donā€™t mind ā€œchangeā€ for a bit over 5% of the time when a game has been out for so long and it will last for about 2 more months ā€¦ And I guess, I will not be alone around, thinking this way ā€¦ :wink:


I think that there was a widespread recognition of the power of the seasonal buff. The precise extent was not fully appreciated. I can recall at least one poster who claimed that barbs in this season would not even be able to clear GR 140 solo even if lamentation went live with rend damage @200%.


I can recall the time when I convinced my little brother to pee on an electric fence.
But just like your post that has nothing to do with this thread so feel free to move along.

Edit: Yes I do still feel bad about it almost 20 years later. It wasnā€™t pretty.


The frost nova one is really bad. It just messes things up right away and u canā€™t gather and it freezes like mobs that are even off screen. The rest of it is cool. But I donā€™t like how I can get to a 90 greater with about 700 something paragon but my way more properly geared non season canā€™t do the same as fast even with way more paragon.

The seasonal buf completely change the way how you do a rift. Instead of usual grouping/killing/pooling you need manage effects and count monsters in a group.

This is exactly why I play seasons, for a change of pace from the norm. If I didnā€™t want a unique gaming experience I would just play non-season.

Seasonā€™s isnā€™t for everyone, just play non-season if you donā€™t like that style of ever evolving gameplay, itā€™s totally fine.



The title of the thread is ā€œSeason theme is OPā€. My post quoted in full is relevant to the topic on hand. Moreover, in post #4 by Gasnick, he specifically talked about the seasonal buff and their balance decision on lamentation/rend.

My point in case you missed its topic relevance is that many knew during the PTR that the seasonal theme was incredibly powerful/OP; however, this view was not shared by everyone. Hindsight is 20-20. In season 19, the power of the seasonal buff and other changes (item buffs helped) has led barbarian players to clear 140 and above. The prediction that no barb would clear 140 in this season was clearly erroneous.


Not to disagree with you that the season is OP (because it is)ā€¦ but you do have 5 primals, your gems are 120 and most your gear it augā€™ed with 110 gemsā€¦ so its not like you are some noob that just got lucky. You got some pretty nice gear already. And top of all that you barely made a 126.


Every time i fo above 120 latley i get real bad maps and cant keep stacks going. I did a 124 with 7 minutes to go few weeks ago. Now a few weeks later with more augments and 200 more paragon just failed 123 8 times. Only wated to level a gem up to augment. Saw one conduit in all 8 maps. Just mostly speed and cool down pylons and big emty gaps at syart of maps wherec stack drop. 120 ok regardles of rng though

Every ā€œpointā€ you try and make is nothing more than a backhanded attempt to prove Barbā€™s need to be nerfed. Every chance you get you mention oh this Barb said this couldnā€™t do this at 200% look at it now. Lamentation has nothing to do with the season buff.

You think that even with the gear I have now at 1300 Paragon a 126 is doable in non season? Maybe with a lot of luck and some really good pylons. I think that a 126 being a mediocre clear with my gear proves my point rather well.


This is true, and Iā€™m glad youā€“and othersā€“have begun to notice it. He doesnā€™t explicitly state it. Instead, he discusses ā€œbalanceā€ by posting again and again what Barbs are clearing what GR tier, constantly reigniting the conversation, constantly agitating the community.



This guy wont accept his defeat. He is still butthurt.


Not sure why he hates barbs so much. The guy who did 150 had perfect maps very high skill level and angels on the rg. Probably near pergect gear too. Crusader did 150 first i think. Season 19 is fun and a one off and take it away barbs are not op just very good or even well balanced

I do not hate barbs. In fact, the opposite is true in that I currently main a ww/rend barbarians.

  1. I have a single seasonal character. It is a barbarian @ paragon >900.
  2. In non-season, I currently main a barbarian. My highest greatest rift cleared in non-season is with a barbarian. If you look, you will notice that my ww/rend barb is the character with legendary gems equipped.
  3. Barbarians are my 4th most played class and likely will leapfrog over monks in terms of my playtime.
  4. I play all classes (5%-32%).

The reason that I do not explicitly state ā€œitā€ is that ā€œitā€ is not my view. Here are some of my views explicitly stated so we could put this dog-whistling thing to rest.

  1. I prefer the classes to be balanced.
  2. I advocate for buffs to underperforming builds/classes and nerfs to OP classes/builds.
  3. Pre-patch 2.6.7, I felt that barbs (and monks) deserved a buff and advocated for buffs.
  4. I also requested a nerf to top wizards builds. I also supported the request to nerf thorns necromancer.
  5. Post patch 2.6.7 and 2.6.7a, I advocated for AoV crusader build nerfs.
  6. I think that Matthewā€™s post on class balance aligns well with my own ideas.

Hell yeah itā€™s OPā€¦and fun as hell too!!

cleared a 107 last night on this stud

sub 800 paragon with 1 nice primal (chest), 2 below average ancients (1 weapon), 1 augment (from season journey requirement), a lousy FoT, and generally crap gear.


Yes itā€™s stupidly OP, yes we knew this on PTR but in all honesty I kinda like it. It really just throws balance out the window entirely and thatā€™s a good thing. This game has needed a shake up for quite awhile.

Honestly with the way things are just about any class could hit 150 if dedicated enough.

How does next season compete with this? Donā€™t think it does tbh. Good luck competing with some of these theme kill streaks that do 200,000% stacking conduit damage (:upside_down_face::kissing_heart: Dark Geysers)

In season 19, the power of the seasonal buff and other changes (item buffs helped) has led DH players to clear 140 and above. The prediction that no DH would clear 140 in this season was clearly erroneous.

Here is a first dh 150 clear video proof:

This map is absolutely worse than barb 8:40 clear. I should tell you that, in season 19, barb used a completely different rend build for fishing. If you havenā€™t seen these videos, I recommend you check them.

Also, I should remind you, darkā€™s ptr didnā€™t use hard cast rend in ptr clear. Your predictions are not reliable at all.


I am glad that I never predicted anything like that or anything about what GR clears would be made in this seasons at all. Not everyone chose to do the same.

There was widespread appreciation during the PTR that the seasonal theme was incredibly powerful. Blizzard mentioned that it need to be dialed back which they tried to do. The seasonal theme that went live still was OP.

The seasonal theme is OP, one of their most popular, and fun as hell ! ā€¦ if Legacy of Dreams leg gem was created out of community popularity, wonder if Blizz will create a new Kill Streak gem to carry on the functionality after the season ends. The mechanics are in place, but the complexity for solo/group interaction may prove too challenging to implement ā€¦ and another build gem must be sacrificed in order to use it.

I donā€™t see them utilizing the current theme in gem form. Not in itā€™s current state any way itā€™s just too powerful and would become required for all ns builds to push to 150. Now if they broke up each of the levels and placed than on different legs as had been suggested before that would be fun. However they would need to be tuned down or geysers would be the only one used.

Great idea. But I think pick up one effect is enough: Every 100 kill there will be a Nados + dmg increasing. Call it gem of the dust devil, lol.

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