Season 28 pc issue, probable cause of 'anointing' bonus

Good evening, I’m writing to communicate a problem on progress in season 28 that I encountered by going to the evidence tome for the mundunugu set page.
I am unable to proceed as the tome gives the following message: “Your equipment does not allow you to read this tome”.
I wonder if it’s the unlocking of the “Anointing” bonus at the Altar of Rites.
I carried out some tests thinking it depended on equipping 5 pieces of the set and the ring of royal magnificence in the cube but also wearing the six pieces of the suit trying on Lv70 T IX the tome mentions the above message preventing me from completing the “assassin” step of the season.

No, it’s because the Mundunugu set does not have a dungeon. You will need to loot another set so you can do the dungeon.

cf: Things That Are NOT Bugs

21) I Cannot find the set dungeon for any of the new sets for all of the classes, I have all 6 pieces equipped
There are NO Set Dungeons for any of the new Sets. If you wish to do the Journey or Conquests revolving sets, you MUST collect the 1 of original 4 sets for each class. The new 5th Set does not have a set dungeon and Blizz does not plan on adding them.
The sets that do NOT have set dungeons are:
Horde of the Ninety Savages
Aegis of Valor
Gears of Dreadlands
Patterns of Justice
Mundunugu’s Regalia
Typhon’s Veil
Masquerade of the Burning Carnival

-Credit Meteorblade


The last sets created do not have dungeons, you must use one of the 4 remaining ones (So Jade, Helltooth, Arachyr or Zunimassa for the WD).