Season 25 Asia Server Unmanaged

This is pure insanity… what is happening on Asia server?!?

They need to restart the Season in my opinion.

There are people creating new seasonal heroes with all their leftover loot from season 24 in their stash, and all their season 24 Paragon levels.

All they have to do is put their Gem of Ease in a weapon, and get 1-70 in about 5-10 mins, then start running Speed GRs.

Blizzard can’t let this continue. It defeats the entire premise of everyone starting over on equal footing.


I have again, for the third or 4th time tried to escalate this. I have yet to hear anything about it. All the concerns you guys had from season end were valid and you were right season start would be rather broken.

I agree with the comments about needing to wipe and restart after they fix it. They need to get rollover fixed as well so people get those paragons that did not move, get their gear, etc.


Although I do not care about leaderboards (I play solo exclusively… so I’m playing against myself, sort of), I would agree that they need to somehow restart the Season on Asia. Players will whine and scream about it… but once players start cheating and exploiting Season 24 end-of-season mess, there is only one way to go.

My only comfort is that Season 25 will start in about 40 minutes on Europe… so I will be able to leave the Asia mess behind and switch to Europe while Blizzard deals with Season 25 on Asia. I can only hope that whatever is happening on Asia is not going to happen on Europe.

Anyone remember this…

…before they moved to the 3 day gap between patch and season start, a few seasons ago.


To be fair, 5 days worked just fine on EU and NA (ignoring the DH exploit).

Cue some Meatloaf song about 2 out of 3…

Except we didn’t have the season 24 end problems on EU or NA. This is an internal problem to the Asia realm only, and I doubt they’d have their stuff together even if they had an extra week. Asia has had problems for months now.

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The Season 25 start for players in the Asia region has been encountering issues. Issues we’re aware of are related to season 24 content such as paragon levels and Ethereal weapons breaching into the season.

We apologize for the inconvenience and our team is investigating at a swift pace with a target to resolve these issues as soon as possible.


I have a bug. I can’t play on the NA server and get all the cool stuff they have from these bugs.

tldr; asia has been buggy for ages, sometimes save char data gets out of sync with the state of the on/off season.

I started this season on asia with 91 paragon and 2mil gold. I also guessed it would happen.
last season I decided to try and complete the season journey in all the regions (Im in NZ so my ping is poor to all of them anyway). I noticed that asia servers always showed me the same Challenge Rift week after week. People suggested logging in and out until you would see the correct CR, this didnt work but what I did notice was that sometimes when I would login I would have 0 paragon (instead of the 800ish I had). I had everything I was wearing and anything in the inventory but the stash was empty. I would switch between classes and log in and out, they would all be 0 paragon. So I played a few rifts, logged in and out and my 800 paragon was back, anything I had from those few rifts was gone. This happened a lot over the end of the season and non season. Every now and then Id get the wierd low paragon back, it eventually built up to 91 paragon and a few mil in gold.
It was like how your stuff is handled after season end, you have stuff you are wearing but not in your stash (that you have to claim via mail). This felt was like I was sometimes logging into a user profile server that wasnt in sync with the rest of the region, it didnt know what para I had or what my stash was. There were other issues on asia too, most of the time you couldnt load the ‘shop’ to get pets equipped etc, or the game would give random errors when launching.
At the start of this week the asia Challenge Rift finally changed, ping improved and a lot of errors went away. However once the season started, the seasonal monk I created had 91 paragon and I knew the issue was back. Given that previously sometimes I would eventually revert to the correct paragon I didnt want to see that happen during the hard work of season start, so I just kept logging in and out of D3 and remaking a new monk in the hope of seeing 0 paragon, but it was always 91 para. So I caved and played the season, but I didnt do the CR as that had never worked for me, or it had never given me the reward. Dumping the para I had in movement speed and resource reduction helped, the 2 mil gold got town leveled up and some crafting done. I got lucky in finding crudest boots and leroics helm on the way so it didnt take too long to get to 70. I got 2 shards from kulle, 1 from a random chest, and 1 from an elite, so the rubies helped too, though the drop rate is far less than some youtubers would have you believe.
After I hit 70 I gave the CR a shot and for the first time on asia it actually worked and I received the reward.

I’m going to guess everyone else is similar, If you had a previous season or off season that was loaded in this weird way, when you made a new character this season it just continued the same thing of thinking you were already underway with whatever paragon and gear it thought you had, especially if you rebirthed.

Anyway, I’m confident, the issue is in asia only as Ive never experienced it on US or europe. Im also confident the blizzard team will eventually resolve it, but it will be interesting to see if they restart the asia season or not, right now, nobody is competing on even ground.

Sharing that the team is still investigating and digging into the Asia region issues. At the moment we don’t have a timeline to share, but wanted to keep folks in the know the we’re working on it. As soon as I get more information, ill be quick to provide updates to you all.

Thanks for your patience on this.


Hi all - I want to start by saying thank you all so much for helping point out these issues. There are a a few threads floating around related to this issue and with your patience and time permitted to investigate we wanted to share that we will be moving forward with a region specific season reset/restart for players in Asia.

Please check out the thread linked below and thank you all again.


You really should be doing 100% xp bonus. That 20% is a joke.


Also they should reset the weekly challenge…those of us who did it for mats for season are now screwed too.

If this was WoW, I’d expect a free month of play for a mistake this big. I think you need to do more for players who went all in the first day.


Season reset without resetting challenge rift reward, this is unfair for us who has spent time this morning. and 20% experience wont help a single shyt at all…


I couldn’t agree more with both posters above, please bump up the experience gains to 100percent for the next 24 hours and please reset the Asia Challenge rift so we can redo it.



I really don’t care about experience bonus. The challenge reward is all it mattered! TBH I really can’t see myself go through the game without them…


agree, 20% exp boost isn’t that matter i would rather they reset CR nicely without any boost.


There’s a new challenge rift in three days. Hardly a massive imposition.

Hey, I heard Blizz is going to give everyone a whole month of D3 with no further charges to their account. GG, human… They heard you!

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