Season 24 is going to the worst season yet

Simply put if you can’t keep the the new and shiny weapons at the end of the season what’s the point

BTW, this is the smallest PTR as far as changes go ever


Everybody can do GR 150 now, there will be no GR 200 (they said no GRs above 150 in the future) . There are no challenges in this game anymore after that new weapons patch. I start missing the time when you had to work really hard to make GR 100.


Couldn’t keep the fourth cube slot, or the shadow clones, or all the rest of the season themes, why should ethereals be any different?


Well, you should just treat D3 ethereal as a seasonal theme buff like others. The only difference is the S24 seasonal theme took a considerate effort to unlock and enjoy them compares to other seasonal themes where you can immediately enjoy their buff once you reached Lv70.


I disagree. I am excited by the S24 theme and can’t wait to try various builds using ethereals and farming all 21 of them to get the transmogs :slight_smile:


S24 will be good imo. This is one of the better ones if u ask me. Way better than the current one


What does it matter if you get to keep the weapons of not if they’re just gonna rot away in your non-seasonal stash anyway?
Noone who takes seasonal play seriously plays non-season and vice versa. And as others pointed out, you didnt get to keep any other thematic stuff either.


Farming for items you can’t keep after the Season is a crazy idea. It is wasted time for me. I dont care about useless transmogs.


They’ve certainly put all their eggs in the ethereal basket.

Drop rates will make or break this season. If they drop often enough you can play around with some combinations of things then there is a lot to these items that allows some different ways to play. But if you have to treat the game like a second job, it’ll be over really quickly.


Its about 1/100 atm. Will be pretty quick for ppl who just want the transmog.
Getting a perfect ethereal is another story, however thats how it should be consider how strong a perfect one actually is.

Collecting ALL 21 Ethereals will be easier than you think - YouTube

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Let’s examine that idea.

First, we have to define “perfect” in this context. I would define it just as it sounds but that would mean the right ethereal with the right legendary affix with the right passive and all stats at their maximum range. Frankly, the odds of that happening in only 3 months given this many affixes isn’t worth discussing. So, I’d define it to be just the appropriate legendary affixes.

The problem with the idea of power justifying rarity I kinda disagree with. The difference between a normal ancient item and an ethereal is the addition of the passive and the ethereal stats. Well, a passive itself has very little power, and we’re talking the fifth or sixth most desirable passive for a given build. The fact of the matter is, the actual added power of an ethereal is all in its stats and you’re going to get ethereals.

What we are discussing isn’t power, imo, it’s convenience. If you get an ethereal that you like but with the wrong legendary affix you have to either keep the ethereal and change your build requiring most if not all of the other items to change or keep your build without the ethereal and hope it drops. That leads to frustration, with little recourse.

When people have little other reason to play the season, we shouldn’t dismiss how quickly that frustration can add up. Between the follower update offloading utility items and the flexibility of the ethereals I think it has the capacity to rival any other season’s theme, but it has to be executed well and that’s going to come down to cleaning up the ethereals a bit and having effective drop rates for the average player.

The fact that it’s an actual item that needs to be farmed sets it apart. There seems be a disconnect in the natural course of playing an ARPG and this theme in that if you grind and farm for a item then it’s your, you earned it. And players for the most part want to keep what they farm. My two cents.


Guess u forgot to add the 100-300% dmg added on the ethereal, some also got undead dmg etc. Wudi estimate ethereals to bring meta builds like 7-10 tiers or so higher. So compare a none perfect with a ancient there is still alot. Saying u get atleast the right affix even if it isnt perfect is good enough for it to be better than a primal. And getting 2-3 ethereals in 1h for a efficient player isnt bad imo.

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Considering we’re getting to keep the S23 theme it isn’t totally crazy to ask. Companions and items that emanate to you from them are still part of the new season. It seems those of us that mostly play solo finally got some love and Blizzard has deemed to let us keep it.

I’m more hyped to play the new Inna’s set than for ethereal hunting to be honest.

Then you don’t need to farm them. Solved your own problem!

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This was my first D3 season and I am excited for a do-over in S24.

I learnt quite a bit, and look forward to getting better in S24.

Borrowed power is what Blizzard does, just look at Shadowlands.

This just in:

You are not REQUIRED to play it.

This has been a public service announcement.
May contain nuts.

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There’s a disconnect somewhere. The idea that these are to be rare because they are powerful doesn’t make sense because what gives them the power is not rare. You’re going to get ethereals, the rarity comes in getting the one for the build you want to play.

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I dont get what u mean. I said its hard to get a perfect one which makes sense consider how strong they are. Getting a decent one which alrdy is stronger than a primal wont be considered that hard. Which i think is fine. 2-3 ethereals a hour. Im sure u drop one with deathwish affix or whatever u looking for eventually. Even a 250 DW affix will be enough for it to be useful. There is a limited pool of affix u can get on a ethereal.
U obv dont need to play s24 as a full time job to enjoy ethereals.

Edit to put it in context:

In 100 legend = 1 Ethereal
In 100 legend = 10 ancient
There are 12 different slots? So its in 1/12 to get ancient weapon.
So in 100 legend u might not even get a ancient weapon but most likely a ethereal.
On top of that there are different weapons, depending on which class etc.
Someone could prolly do the calc. However i dont think getting a ethereal with right affix is much harder than getting a ancient weapon which u desire. On top of that u want to get a good number on the affix on a ancient weapon while its enough to be right affix on eth to be enough to beat a primal.

Ofc u can reroll, kadala etc for ancient weapon which u cant do for eth.

True, but it is also a mistake there.

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