Season 24 - Ethereal Memory - Has Ended!

I believe it’s important to take something from the season. Are the ethereous too strong to go? Perhaps! But I think it’s worth the discussion. Transmogs alone is very little, and rankings don’t count for much of the way the game is currently played. But the question is good, why play months a season if there’s no payoff for it?

u dont get metoer to rain from the sky or use anything in the cube or the triple ring or any of the other stuff makes no sense to change what they normally do i dont see the problem


Basically your question is like… why live when you die and rot in the ground in the end?..
Because life itself is the reward → Playing season itself is the reward. Getting to have the experience to start fresh is the reward.
If the XP, gear (excluding etherials), gems, portrait frames, pets etc. from the season is not enough, and you want to take home the season theme itself… that’s just super greedy.

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Prepare for some disappointment. At least for me, I found ‘veiled crystals’ (when shown as recovered) are not added to your crafting material inventory.

Ethereals don’t grant veiled crystals when salvaged.
DBs, Forgotten Souls and GR keys are the only possible results.

–=[ EDIT - Screenshot added ]=–

My bad - didn’t see what was right in front of me (scotoma),

And season is over in Europe (on time for once :slight_smile:)

And ethereals disappeared as planned, sadly :frowning:

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hmm for me season 24 is still going?

it’s 7pm CET right now, i am in europe region on PS4.

Anyone else having this problem?

Seasons on consoles start and end at the same time around the world. There is no regional separation on consoles like on PC.

thank you for explaining this, i didn’t know that.

so i guess it’s the north american time for consoles which
will be tommorow morning in europe.

S24 is still going on, on Asia server, including dropping ethereals.