Season 23 Theme Suggestion

Note: Not all of these need to be mutually inclusive. Mix and match as you wish.

  • Arcstone & Convention of the Elements is active on all players and/or followers. Arcstone’s damage type is randomized instead of just pure lightning (because WDs cannot boost it)

  • Followers are permanently invulnerable, encouraging use of the other relics instead of the invulnerability one.

  • At least one place with an active bounty has a guaranteed bandit shrine on each Act.

  • All cube slots are delimited, allowing players to choose three weapons for example.

  • All players start off at level 70. OR, all level requirements are removed.

  • Captain Crimson’s Trimmings set effect is always active (all of them)

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they already have a theme, no need to go on about it!

we got a theme already, come back in 3-4 months

Out of all that I think the Captain Crimson suggestion seems the best. Having a passive community buff where your cooldown reduction % = extra damage and resource cost reduction % = extra damage reduction without actually having to have the set equipped. I think that would be fun, perhaps even more fun with S18’s theme.

There is no season 23 theme. The follower thing is a general change which affects both seasonal and non-seasonal modes.

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still a “theme” that will last after the season aswell.

No, the patch will be applied after the end of S22 and before S23 starts, so it will actually hit non-seasonal first.


it does not really matter what you or me think, this is what they have said, right?

dont shoot me if im wrong but i was pretty sure they said somewhere that the theme will be for followers, both non season and season and there wont be anything else.

You could always wish for more but i dont see that happening beside double goblins or something this close to next season ( assuming current will end close after ptr )

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Although the Blog doesnt mention it as a “Theme”, a Community Manager was spotted on twitch stating that the S23’s theme is the followers. It can be confusing but you are both pretty much correct.

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I think this would be an awesome season-exclusive feature, just to give S23 a little flavor over non-seasonal play.

While you’re at it, why not give all players in season 5000 paragon and just start with a 70 char or add a special consumable item in your inventory that when used makes you lvl 70 and gives 5000 paragons.

For once in this game EVERY player would be equal and META players or botters wouldn’t have a such a big advantage over casual or SOLO only GR players…

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This should be part of the permanent changes.

As for season mechanism:
Add a new uber boss: Fighting all 3 followers at once, in a super difficult end-game fight. Something to work toward in the season. Rewards you with a pet if you beat it.
Would be a fitting thing for the follower revamp. And best of all; not add extra power to the players, which the season themes should really stop doing. Give us new challenges instead.

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I would love new challenges to come into play. Doing set dungeons as part of the seasonal journey always feels awful. I would welcome some new conquests.


If casual players get to 5k paragon next season, meta players or botters will get to 10k, so what’s the point?

Not if seasons were capped at 5000, would just be a season of testing different builds and METAS or botters would completely loose their advantage over normal casual or only SOLO GR players as everyone could have max 5000 paragon just for one season as a gift.

I know it’s a ridiculous idea, but for once there wouldn’t be such a big gap between botters or metas and normal casuals and SOLO only GR players…

Don’t worry it won’t happen…

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The Follower changes affect seasonal and non-seasonal heroes and are a permanent change to the game, i.e. not just seasonal heroes are affected, the changes don’t just last a season long, and the changes will be implemented to non-seasonal before Season 23 starts.

It doesn’t matter that Blizzard’s CM said it’s a seasonal theme because it’s clearly not one. If Blizzard pointed at a plate and said it was a pancake, would you pour syrup on it and eat it for breakfast? Does Blizzard saying it’s a pancake actually make it a pancake or are they mis-labelling a plate?

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This. Add a new pet as a reward (already have that little dragon) and I’d say full speed ahead.

As what I have been requesting from 6 years ago…


but the keywarden should be like the burrowers in the battlefields. they will not fight, they will quickly run towards the far end of the map so the challenge is to catch them… for a change LOL

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I would like to see the shadow clone itemized, maybe a legendary gem max lvl 99. Just for fun.

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