Season 23 end/time it ends?

anyone know / have any idea when S 23 ends today? time wise?

Did you miss the stickied blue thread at the top of the forum…

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tyvm means i got time to get boss mode

Don’t they always? :man_facepalming:

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Season ends and starts always at the same time :slight_smile: 5pm :slight_smile:

Stupid question - but if I delete my last seasonal hard core character before end of season: does the HC stash stick around to be converted into normal HC stash when the season ends? Or, does it just vaporize when I delete my last seasonal HC toon?

ps: yeah - I know if my last SHC dies a normal death, the stash sticks around: but what happens if I manually delete my last toon?

The contents of your seasonal stash, regardless of whether you have any heroes left or not, are sent to the non-seasonal email system for collection by non-seasonal heroes.

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The lone (known) exception to this will occur at the end of Season 24, the next season. This is because the ethereals do not transfer to non-seasonal characters/stashes at the end of the season and simply disappear. So prior to the end of the upcoming season, you’ll want to salvage those ethereals to get the juicy materials from them, or else you lose out on that permanently when they poof out of existence.