Season 22 Conqurer part

I finished the season 22 Conqurer part but didn´t got the extra stash in my chest who was one of the rewards. Why is that?

  • make sure you’ve completed previous chapters as well
  • if you have already got all stash tabs (max 5) from previous seasons, you won’t get any more

PS: I can only find one lv 9 non-season hero in US region. Are you logging in with correct account? Or, are you playing on Console? If you are console player, there is nothing call stash tab, and you won’t get anymore from season because console version grant all stash slots to all players without needing to play season.

Yes i have finnished all the others chapter.

In my 1:st chest i have 5 slots and in the other one i have only 4 slots. So totally 9 slots then i have necromancer also.

My DH is season and i play on the europe server because i live in Sweden.

I see your EU profile now. (strange, I couldn’t earlier)

If it is your first season that completed Conqueror, then 9 is correct.

Stash Tabs breakdown

Free Buy with gold Total
D3 1 3 4
RoS 2 2
Necro 2 2
Season 5* 5*
Total 8 5 13

* Earn one stash tab by completing Conqueuor in a season. Maximum 5 tabs from 5 seasons.


I had 9 slots in my stash before i finnished the Conqueror part now to so after i should have 10 now.

Which other season you had completed Conqueror or Guardian? Show us the screenshots.

I just started to play seasons during season 21 and just become slayer then.

Then 9 is correct because this is your first Conqueror. See the breakdown above (Rightmost column: 4+2+2 + 1 (season)).

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And as i told you i had 9 before the season started to. I had already put weapons and things in it before so nothing new has happend.

A friend to me also in Sweden has only 7 and she hasn´t got Necro (2) and hasn´t been Conquerer in a season.

I don’t believe. Even it was true, it was a bug. It is now fixed.

Still, 9 tabs is correct for you. Not a bug.

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At that point you had 8 Stash Tabs.
   4 for owning D3.
   2 for owning RoS.
   2  for owning the Necromancer.
   8 when you started Season 22.

No. As Maskraider is trying to tell you: You should have 9.

You can only have a maximum of 13 Stash Tabs.

Chest 1 = 5 Tabs
Chest 2 = 5 Tabs
Chest 3 = 3 Tabs

Once you have them all, you will not earn more, even if you complete the Conqueror or Guardian Chapters in subsequent Seasons.

Note: You receive the extra Stash Tab immediately upon earning it… in both Season and non-Season. You do not have to wait until the end of the Season to receive it in non-Season.

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100,000 in-game gold is still required to purchase it and open up the newly earned tab?

By the point you’re earning Conqueror, 100K gold is the sort of money that drops out of individual mobs whilst T16 farming, so effectively it’s an immediate unlock.

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Of course, but I wasn’t sure if the OP had gone through the action of actually opening it with the gold, if indeed one is required to.

My memory may be off, but I thought I still had to pay the 100,000 gold to open up the next tab after earning it through Conqueror. Just like at the start of a season. It’s been numerous seasons since I earned my final stash tab, though.

No. As Boubou already explained.

I have my maximum Stash Tabs for Americas and Europe Regions. I still had one more Stash Tab to earn on the Asia Region.

When I started Season 22 on the Asia Region I had earned 4 of the 5 Stash Tabs. When I started the Season I had 7 Stash Tabs immediately available to me. I bought 5 Stash Tabs, as I could afford them, for:

  1st = 100,000 Gold
  2nd = 200,000 Gold
  3rd = 300,000 Gold
  4th = 400,000 Gold
  5th = 500,000 Gold

This gave me a total of 12 Stash Tabs. When I completed the Conqueror Chapter, which was last night, I received my 13th, and final, Stash Tab immediately. (No purchase necessary).

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Nope. The tabs earned in seasons are “Free” and available immediately after creating a hero in a new season. What you need to buy with gold are those tabs mentioned in the “Buy with Gold” in my table above.

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