Season 21 - Trials of Tempests: Double Bounties

Are you supporting my point or arguing against it?

As PoE shows, it can take much longer to play a season. No reason it should only take a month either. You also need to give people time to play multiple chars, and even people who take it a bit slow should be able to get a satisfying experience.

6 months seems like a good lenght.

I dislike the idea of adding seasonal bonuses mid to late season unless it is announced before season start.

Double bounties gives those players who are still playing a disproportionate advantage in clear, assuming that bonus is one that has no downside.

I would much prefer a shorter season.

Wouldn’t it make more sense when affronted with the issue:

Players are not playing anymore

To simply end the season and start anew on the same patch?

Or even: introduce a legacy season, where you bring back past seasonal bonuses. Shorter duration, open it typically when players overall lose interest in the main season.

On top of group already having massive advantage, no SSF game mode, now you toss in large advantages mid season that as an SSF player I really can’t take advantage of? Wheres the change to bounties that allows me to run them more efficiently solo?


I agree with Meteorblade about quitting early due to flicker.

I generally reach Guardian each season and continue beyond for fun and frolic. Not this season. Flashing visuals were too much!

Funnily enough I have no problem with what I think people are calling the flicker, even though both migraine and epilepsy are ridiculously common in my family. But the switch between a perfectly lit scene to a shoddy dark one is really, really annoying, to say the least. I wish they had come up with anything else this season instead of this monstrosity. Skip it completely but keep the double bounties. Shouldn’t be too hard, one would think.

i thought i wouldnt play seasons then i tried getting all the chapter reqs and i found i liked it, you dont have to keep those seasonals you made( or you could), you can just keep all the stuff, its a nice boost and dont forget to strip the followers!

Double Bounties are fun when you find a decent group to play. I abandoned 3 consecutive games just now because of players camping out in town and expect the others to do all the work. You run into the lowest of life running bounties.

I am using a gaming console (x box) and I have not been getting double horodic cubes either. Is this double bonus only on a PC version?

It does not work on my x box. Is this only for the PC version?

It does not work on my xbox, is this only for the PC version. sorry for posting this in a few locations. I rarely post so i always have to remember how.

why only now, why dont u put double bounty at the very start, let everyone just enjoy the game, bounties are tedious let us have fun

Amen to that, but alas non seasonal players don’t matter to blizzard. All we get is nerf after nerf.

Wudijo’s latest vid using the MoBC necro set with Bone Spear pretty much sums up the farce that I mentioned above. MoBC easily reviewed as a less than stellar set figuring to push maybe ~120 by pretty much any reviewer out there.
Wudijo puts together a MoBC - Bone Spear. He says in the video he is going to take a go at a GR140, he is not going to use Bane of the Stricken and let the seasonal elemental buff’s take care of the Rift Guardian ;).
Now don’t get me wrong he is certainly one of the world’s best players, but if that doesn’t indicate easily heavy gem padding for any S21 player (which skews the push boards from here on out post season)…it is working as intended :wink:

Right, it’s been days and I still haven’t seen double bounties. I have restarted my XBOX several times and nothing.

As you’re on console, we can’t view your heroes. So, as the double-bounties buff is only for seasonal heroes, can you confirm that you were actually on a seasonal hero when not getting double bounty caches?

Also, which model of Xbox? Older consoles, e.g. the 360, have a much older version of Diablo III, which I guess may not get these buffs.

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You really can’t please everyone. First of all, I REALLY don’t care about the tryhards that whine “too beneficial”. Season 19 and 20 were the best for me, because all I care is change of gameplay. One of them allowed me to cube 3 rings, or 2 swords and 1 ring, and so forth. The other one awarded me for killing X monsters in a chain, as if I didn’t like the massacre bonus enough. This season changes…skins? Kind of? I mean, for me it’s purely aesthetic. Cool effects, sure, but since I’m playing a Justice monk, with a lot of movespeed, the Ice effect is beyond useless. The fire effect is just useless. The meteors make me need to stop, so… useless. The lightning effect is nice, but seems weird, since it’s Diablo lightning and you just stand there. I know animating the characters would bring a tremendous workload upon an already burntout staff, but yeah… this season is next to double goblins and double bounties… anyway, I got both critters and will probably be playing 22. I hope so, at least since I’m a fan since '97.


I have noticed that several persons, including myself have mentioned that double bounties are not working on xbox, possibly some other platforms as well. What is kind of disturbing is not the “bug” for the double bounties, but after multiple comments from users Blizzard/Diablo team has been absolutely silent about the issue. Why is this not being addressed to the users? Something like “we know and are working on it” or “We know and really do not have the time or resources to fix this minor issue” As much as I read that management wants feedback and responds to user input, maybe not so much.

Just wanted to chime in regarding any of the posts from those not capturing the double bounty and confirm that the buff is for seasonal characters.

Hope this clears things up!


I really wish I could enjoy the game enough to partake in the double bounties buff, but the seasonal theme is just too headache (and vertigo) inducing. It was never fixed so that it didn’t trigger medical issues, and as a result has ruined the remainder of the season. I was barely able to tolerate it long enough to get Guardian. Would that I’d like to enjoy the bounty bonuses, they aren’t worth the health issues involved.

I sincerely hope the Classic team takes note of this and doesn’t leave us hanging like this in future seasons. And it would be nice to get this buff in non-seasonal play so those of us with issues could enjoy it. I don’t like feeling screwed because of physical issues with the game. I have a hard enough time dealing with the loss of World of Warcraft for similar reasons.


Diablo 3 just went on pernament UNINSTALL.
The game is lost, its that bad that it will took me 5 hours to write about how bad it is.