Season 21 in Review

What did you guys think about season 21?

My highpoints: Double bounties were great. Giant snowballs, meteors, tornados.

Low points: Wall of fire. Goofy timers. Multiplayer timers. zClasses doing 150s.

Would I like to see this theme again? No.


The best part of season 21 is that it’s ending. :smiley:


Season 21 has not yet conceded defeat. :slight_smile:


No thanks :face_vomiting:

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Can’t talk about s21 without talking about 2.6.9 and since i feel i’ve been negative enough lately about the game here’s a bright side:

The GOD set for DH is one of if not the best they ever did. It;s fun , it’s fast, it probably a bit too good.


Agreed, I’ve been wanting a viable strafe build for a long time and GoD delivered. Nats grenades was fun, but it had its limitations.

Oh don’t worry, it’s all part of the power creep cycle. In due time, other classes will be catapulted to the same realm of ease, perhaps even more.


Forgot about that. I’ll give kudos for the new DH and necro sets.

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The S21 theme sucked but I had a nice season thanks to the DH GOD set! I hate rat runs so I did DH runs instead and reached paragon 2000 after a couple of months and GR 131 solo (150 in group). I didn’t play much since then.

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The season kind of grew on me as it went along.

As a matter of fact, I completed more paragon this season than any previous season by over 300. Granted, I am not a big paragon guy. Prior to this season I had never even done 900 paragon in a season. But this time around, I am over 1200, and the last few weeks, I have had a blast power leveling people up.

So why did I play more? Was it the theme? No. Most likely, it was the pandemic. That and the new DH GoD set. I just love it. Still, considering how much I hated the theme when it first started, I came around.


You’re probably right. It’s still tons of fun to play.
Come to think about it, all new sets are more or less fun with the notable exception of Hydra Wiz.

No different from the others, same old thing on a different day. I had most of if finished in the first two weeks. The theme did nothing for me. It was fun watching people complain about it.

worst ever. 5 month season what a joke.

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I will happily take my 2k paragons and 12k bounty mats and try to erase the psychedelia of colours and weather effects from my memory… problem is it won’t freaking end… hahaha

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The worst part is they can’t tell the time…

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Maybe the duty roster of Raymond the janitor has been stretched too thin, he’s unable to keep up. A simple reboot is easily done with the backstroke of his mop handle. This might be a bit more complicated. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You need to be aware that the entire campus is running on a limited basis and most if not all are working from home. There are rare times when some program doesn’t respond to a preprogrammed shutdown order. This was one of those times.

It takes time to remotely troubleshoot any issue. Going forward, seasons may last longer than 3 months. This is how things are in real life right now. It is not due to anything in our control. S21 may have been an abnormal season, but it also could be looked at as the new normal season. S22 may also end up going longer than usual and it may also go shorter than usual. We do not know because of how things are being handled in the outside world right now.

Keep that in mind before coming up with ridiculous threads complaining about the length of the season. With that said, here is the projected S22 end date, based on a normal 3 month schedule:

S22: 11/20/2020-2/21/21*

This may be extended to March because of the month long Kanai event, so we could have both the Darkening of Tristram and King Kanai Memorial events in S22, with the latter being part of two seasons. If S22 is extended, they will let us know, but I will leave all 4 Sundays open for that.

As to when the Campus will open again, no one knows.

(*): Sunday of BlizzConline, so expect at least one week later to 2/28/21.