Season 19 Ring of Fire PvP

This video shows that the Ring of Fire from 300 kills of season bonus can one shot other players in a team. It is a nightmare for hc players. Please fix it to damage monsters only. Thanks.


That’s a really funny video. I’m not sure if that was intentional or a bug.

Thanks Lex for the video. I laughed when I watched Rex’s intentionally proc the Ring of Fire to kill you at the end of the video, lol

To be honest I am not sure if it is intended or bugged. If it is intended, hc is sooo hc and Blizzard should at least tell in the patch notes that the ring of fire would hurt other players in the team so that hc players are alert of this.

I make this post because I want to clarify with Blizzard if it is a bug and want them to fix it if yes.

OMG now i wonder if it is suppose to do that or it is a bug. All i know is its hilarius.