No, no, and no.
Zodiac WW is one of our most demanding builds in terms of gear and skill. I understand that most people think it’s a one-button build, but I assure you, you are quite wrong. It’s not as complex as, say, Bazooka Wizard, but it’s the second most technically challenging build in the Barb repertoire. What’s more, it’s one of, perhaps the most popular, and it absolutely deserves to be a top contender.
When we published our proposal, we figured out ways to make the build powerful, fix Rend, and reduce server lag. You can read more about it here:
Factually, unequivocally, you are incorrect.
In our proposal, we advocate for 2x (4.1 GRs worth) as much damage as we currently deal. That is not a stable multiplier–it’s relative, as in every major build needs to deal 2x more damage, and every minor build needs to deal 2x above what it also requires to achieve some semblance of intra-class parity.
The utterly mediocre runes on Wrath do not equal anywhere close to 7 GRs, much less the 4.1 we calculated as necessary to achieve inter-class parity (nor the amounts necessary for intra-class parity between builds that can use it in the first place). The IK’s global multiplier means nothing for Wrath’s runes, much in the same way it means nothing for the always active DOTs of Pain Enhancer, or Toxin, or any other pathetic damage effect.
This is not an opinion. This is a fact coming from one of the two guys for breaking down every single problem with the Barb class and analyzing every possible way to buff damage.
If you think that Arreat’s Wail will provide meaningful damage, you don’t understand how damage works in this game. There are no additional multipliers aside from the IK set that buff it, and that is never going to be enough to make the rune worthwhile. Because if it was?
And when you reply to folks like Ulma, please know that you’re talking to a Barb who has hit Rank 1 solo and in groups, across many specs, and many classes, many times. We’re talking about hands-down one of the best Barb players to have ever played the game, and easily one of the best players period to have ever played D3.
If I remember correctly, the original 100% wasn’t multiplicative. The current 50% is, which makes it superior in almost every circumstance.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
See, this is what drives me up a wall. Here you are talking to experts on the class and build–among them Ulma and I–and you’re trying to tell us how WW works.
Buddy, I’ve already addressed this above. Better yet, here, read the dang guide: [Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)
Where to begin?
I’ve got nothing against Demon Hunters. I love the class! Impale is one of my favorite builds! And you’re right that it’s tough. But it’s also clear you don’t know how to play WW.
Look at this. This is bad. These are bad thoughts and you took the time to write them out and now they’re worse. Let me show you what a good thought looks like:
Try that. But practice somewhere else.
What is this nonsense? You don’t even play Barb. You don’t even understand our builds! Of course we worry about CC! Of our 5 major builds, only 3 can achieve perma-Wrath, and the other two must constantly worry about CC. We’re not infinitely strong tanks, particularly if we want to deal damage.
I’m stunned by the level of nonsense being thrown about here. Why do folks who barely know anything about a class or its builds strut in here and try to talk like they know what’s what? Just sit down and listen for a while. We got Barb veterans and experts in here that know what’s what. Just pay attention and learn.
Dang, y’all getting my heat up.