Sader cleared a 150 solo in EU

I’m glad I could amuse you! =)

Well played.

What we can probably agree is patronizing is Blizz’s attitude and communication about the rend nerf.

Especially in light of Crusaders Roflstomping up to GR 150

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For real. I’m glad Crusader got a nice buff, but I’m upset for the Barbarians cause Blizzard doesn’t want them to ever be an awesome dps.

Then I’m also upset at the way Blizzard has been handling their PTRs. It’s such a mess.

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Yep, it’s been a shocking process, and the communication has been a complete ballsup

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Perhaps this season transition was way too close to Blizzcon , which resulted in a over emphasis of Blizzard trying to appease fans with D4 news vs the Diablo Immortal blowup last year.

In other words D3 got left to the curb a little but as they return to supporting it again. :wink:

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Maybe not, but it’s extremely passive aggressive and despite me barely reading or commenting on these forums anymore this guy’s name consistently sticks out lately. It’s always something negative too that my memory associates him with.

That stupid generic platitude of a response like “look it up yourself” or “Google it” is the kind of rhetoric that gives people’s arguments about gamers being rude/losers/incels/whatever their fuel.

While I can’t speak for other members of the community here I am going to go out on a limb and say generally most people here, all the way from D1 to current D3 are helpful towards each other. Even if it’s in the form of a simple quick question or explaining complex theorycrafting and number-crunching.

Anyways, my issue isn’t with you really, but people who defend other’s passive aggressiveness is always interesting…

Someone with 10K paragon beat the game.
I don’t really care one way or the other if a class can solo GR150 or not, but the barb’s belt really should at least be restored to the previous PTR version number.


Just so we can avoid another 50 posts regarding patronising, here’s a screenshot of the EU leaderboard showing the GR150 solo Crusader (which includes their paragon level)…


The new speed meta? 130 speeds, 1 sader + 3 support. I guess I’ll never have to run rats again :slight_smile:


About time the meta changes! Nice! :wink:

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Looks like the devs have done right for a change. Now all that needss to happens is for other sets to come up to it’s level.


I need an escape from rat runs and I’ll take anything (except playing support barb) to get there. :wink:


But if everyone just plays support for the Sader in 4 man, everyone will get GR150 this season. lulz

A little close to the buzzer. I think it needs buffed a little.


And here lies another problem - nothing to strive for. Why to even farm gear if you can do 150 wearing trash items? Nothing to boast of, no ‘gz’ in chats. No carrot ahead = players willl lose motivation soon.


Looking for a challenge in D3 lol, thats a new one and i’m a long time diablo player for over 20 years. Diablo 4 is coming either they raise the ceiling or they stat squish us down or put a cap on paragons in seasons and see whos the best.

I see touch ridiculous complaining on these forums, you guys expect way too much.

Thanks guys for congratulations


yep, difficulty about x10 between GR135 and GR 150 … not so complicate to balance !

Congrats! :tada:

I’m curious though - do you have any thoughts on whether or not the build should be nerfed?

What a joke.

WW Barb has been garbage for years, and when it MIGHT be in the 140s they nerf it to the ground. Lame.