S6 impale & follower wearing nem bracers & dervishes

If anyone else is playing s6 impale this season, have you noticed that having your follower wear nemesis bracers is not proccing dervishes from pylons?

Have just tested it on my NS SC s6 impale DH and after about 8 or 9 rifts, 5+ pylons per rift, not a single dervish has spawned.

I find this weird, since my FB wiz is proccing dervishes on pylons all the damn time (HC, seasonal) when her follower is wearing the nemesis bracers…

Can anyone confirm that they are seeing the same thing with s6 impale where the follower is wearing nemesis bracers? To not have seen a dervish spawn by now is near impossible from my experience.

I’m curious if Blizzard silently changed the mechanics for shadow set so that dervishes do not proc like they used to.

I’m playing HC this season and not using nemesis bracers on my follower for obvious reasons, which is cutting my clear times by a considerable margin as you can appreciate. Curious to see if I can start wearing the bracers without any negative effects.



I’m maining S6 this season, and you’ve had a nice run of good RNG. I’ve gotten quite a few Dervishes. They don’t bother me as much when playing SC as I enjoy working around them to kill off the elites (so long as we aren’t in a small room).

Maybe they tweaked the proc rate in HC? That would be a positive from Blizz.

Well weird…

After about 40 rifts, not a single dervish spawned.

For kicks, I got out my NS HC s6 impale character and tried 3 rifts, horrid RNG of course with not a single pylon spawning in the first rift, 1 in the 2nd rift and 2 in the 3rd rift (whilst I was averaging 5 or so pylons per rift SC lol). Either way, not a single dervish spawned from 4 pylons in HC.

I tested my SC character on a GR105 and only had 2 pylons, and no dervish either.

Overall, this is 200+ pylons and not a single dervish.

I am on console (ps4). Not sure if that makes any difference, but it shouldn’t.

As an aside my FB wiz (HC) on ps4 has nem bracers on the follower and dervishes spawn 99% of the time. Which is what it used to be like with the bracers…

What are the odds of 200+ pylons not spawning a single dervish when they used to appear every pylon before?

They appear regularly for me but I’m on PC. Maybe it’s a PC/Console thing?