S26 Proposal - Kill Command + Corpse Explosion

4K Poster


Explosive Marrow

Legendary Belt - Level 49
Kill Command fires and casts Corpse Explosion at location.
Kill Command Explosion generates 5 points of Essence.
Skeletal Warriors spawn 100% faster.
(Necromancer Only) [0-200]%
When marrow boils, enemy recoils


Kill Command fires and casts Corpse Explosion at location

  • Fires: 1 guaranted Corpse Explosion per Skeleton (without corpse)
  • Casts: If available, up to 5 Corpses can be exploded
  • At location: If equipped, the Close Quarters rune is triggered at location

Kill Command Explosion generates 5 points of Essence

  • Cost: 50 Essence x 0.7 [Commander of the Risen Dead] = 35 Essence
  • Gain: 7 Skeletal Warriors x 5 Essence = 35 Essence

Skeletal Warriors spawn [0-200]% faster

  • Controls the damage throughput
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This seems far more appropriate for the Golem rune that actually generates corpses at command.

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Excellent suggestion !

Made another proposal based on Decay Golem:

I wanted to propose an item for the Golem a long time ago, and you triggered my imagination, thanks !