S26 Proposal - Inarius Avatar of Death

I’ll tell you again. If you’re going to post Necromancer centric threads…POST THEM IN THE NECROMANCER CLASS FORUM!!!

No one else is even mildly interested in your dumb ideas.

Thank you!


Whoever the 4K poster is should have suggested this, in the Necromancer forum.

It doesn’t matter how early you put them on the table if they’re not good ideas.


There have been many many many posts suggestion future season themes…I’m pretty sure they have at least the next 5 season’s planned out

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It’s dead, nearly no one posts in there.

But are they ?

Can you tell why or what exactly would be bad in this proposal ?
I’m open to feedback.

Such confidence.

It is OK if at least a single one of these ideas is released in the next 3 years in D4 or D3 Resurrected.

Someone gave you a good answer on your Reddit post

If your intent is for Blizz to actually consider this, it won’t happen for a lot of reasons. Here are a few:
You suggest changing a lot of skills at once. They prefer to change limited numbers of skills per update, and they prefer to change gear over skills a LOT more.
Your set is so much more powerful than what exists now that the only way you can justify it is to nerf two skills that would be auto-includes. Blizz doesn’t do that because it’s sloppy design and (despite the hate they get) Blizzard is NOT a studio that does sloppy.
You’re proposition suggests changing 17 skills and items at once. A lot of this stuff has current uses in other builds, which means you need to balance THOSE builds and the other gear for them with all of this new stuff. It’s too much to propose in 1 shot and if you split it up the interest might dry up

It’s the Necromancer forum, things are supposed to be dead in there.
Also, it’s self-perpetuating if you don’t even post Necromancer set ideas there.

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It’s funny you post this. I said their suggestions are always OP, didn’t feel like explaining, they asked me how and this answer was on reddit the entire time. Post right in front of them and they need to ask how their post is OP.

On Reddit I answered why it isn’t OP.

This Inarius proposal deals 9,900% increased damage instead of 10,000% increased damage previously, so it deals 100% reduced damage.

You have access to all runes, but it doesn’t bring much power in terms of raw numbers.
Accessing all runes is a cherry on the cake, for the fun.

The only buffed skill is Command Skeletons, which is currently extremely weak, because it lacks base power and itemization, and this proposal fixes that.

Factually, I don’t see how it would be overpowered ?
Please explain.

First off, a few of the items either make little sense or zero sense either because of the wording or it just doesn’t seem to apply to anything. Like the ring for instance, it literally just sounds like a more complicated way of explaining CoE.

You say it’s “100% less damage”. It’s a multiplier of 100x instead of 101x. While on the same hand, you have a total of 4x, 6x and 51x multipliers for your minions. Maybe more if I missed something. Then you can use the Jesseth set to further scale this. Let me put this into context. Just with those multipliers, each skeleton has 60% of the power of a singularity mage. That’s just the skeletons. That also didn’t include the jesseth set, I forgot that. Which makes each skeleton 3x stronger then a singularity mage.

Rat runs would change to skeleton runs. To give you context on how insanely overpowered this is.

The definition is very close to the actual Convention of Elements Ring ( https://us.diablo3.com/en-us/item/convention-of-elements-P2_Unique_Ring_04 ) but rather than giving you “increased damage to a single element” it gives you “increased damage” AND “converts damage to a single element”.

So if you are a necro for example, whatever the skill you press, all your damage is converted into cold, then 3s after into physical, then 3s after into poison, and loop back.

It works extremely well when used in conjunction with Convention of Elements (gives 100% uptime) and the new Nayr’s Black Death. Also it gives you the possibility to deal damage to monster that were immune to one element by shifting your elemental affinity. So statistically it will smooth your damage curve.


Only Skeletal Warriors are affected.
But since all minions are converted into Skeletal Warriors, I accept the observation for the numbers.

If you look at LOD Mages:

  • https://maxroll.gg/d3planner-ptr/176760767#Rat%20CoE%20(%2B4%20GR%20Tiers)
  • https://i.ibb.co/r0VRBn8/lod-mages.jpg

You will see those things:

  • Attack speed: 2.02 (2.02x) // Yes, 2.02 and no 3.02, look at formula
  • Skill multiplier: 200% (2x) // Yes, 2 and no 3, look at formula
  • Essence Consumed: 1880.64% (19.81x)
  • Scythe of the Cycle: 400% (5x)
  • Reilena’s Shadowhook: 330% (4.3x)
    = 2.02 x 2 x 19.81 x 5 x 4.3
    = 1720.6966
    Then you’ll see that DPS increases this number by 2.50 (Speed), and Total DPS increase this number by 10 (Number of mages)
    = 1720.6966 x 2.50 x 10
    = 43017.415

Jesseth increases all your damage by 400% if you have commanded skeletons. It is more like a general damage buff.

But okay let’s try with the Jesseth Set.


If you look at the damage sheet of LOD Mages where I replaced main hand and off-hand by Jesseth, and 2-hand weapon in the cube by bone ringer you will see:

  • Skill multiplier: 50% (0.5x) // Yes, 0.5 and no 1.5, look at formula
  • Bone Ringer: 1880% (19x)
  • Command Skeletons: 50% (1.5x)
  • set_jesseth_2pc: 400% (5x)
    = 0.5 x 19 x 1.5 x 5
    = 71.25
    Then you’ll see that DPS increases this number by 7 (Number of Skeletal Warriors) then by by 3.33 (Speed)
    = 71.25 x 7 x 3.33
    = 1660,8375

Which means the current ratio of Mages VS Skeletal Warriors
= 43017.415 / 1660,8375
= 25
Mages are 25 times more powerful than Skeletal Warriors

So if we take 4 x 6 = 24 we could eventually match the 25x
But we now have 28 skeletons instead of 7 which is 4x more
But to get that we have to remove the helm of LOD Mages which was worth 20% increased damage, and remove a ring or amulet (let’s say Squirt @ 100% increased damage) to get Ring of royal Grandeur

= 43017.415 VS 1660,8375 * 0.8 / 2 x 4 x 6 x 4
= 43017.415 VS 63776.16

So yes, the peak power of the proposal is overpowered.

And I didn’t count the 51x, nor the new Commander of the Risen Dead, nor the new Kill Command (additive damage, but still).

Numbers have probably to be adjusted, and some bonuses removed. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, the Jesseth Bone Ringer Bonus is only active after 60 seconds, whereas Mages have nearly 100% uptime on their power, so if you smooth the damage on average damage, I don’t know ?

I mean 60 seconds peak damage is cool against Rift Guardian but if you take too much time against Elites you will never meet the Rift Guardian.

Or else you just play group and adjust this proposal as a Rift Guardian Killer ?

60 seconds? Unless I understand wrong, afaik it is up so long as you command your skeletons.

* Bone Ringer
I wrote too fast :slight_smile:

I could be wrong but I’m sure when they started season themes they already had a bunch of ideas on the drawing board…again I could be wrong just making a guesstimate

And you can’t see why having 100% up-time on COE would be considered overpowered?

You over complicated it again. You should be thinking in simple adjustmets. You wrote that the set is squishy, but it’s the tankyest set for the class. Too many items again whit powers that are hard to understand and easy to confuse players. And why Inarius? It’s a melee build. We already have a pet set, all that needs to be done whit it, is to add a line (or two) so all perma minions could get a decent dmg buff. You all know which set i’m talking about.


I’ve said the same in one of his previous suggestion threads and it was even worse.

It’s fine to do theorycrafting and rework suggestions but those suggestions should be viable to implement, make sense to the theme of the set (Inarius is indeed melee range set) and have at least decent build flexibility. This Inarius rework suggestion is once again overelaborate and seems to have zero flexibility, it’s for very specific purpose.


The armour of king leoric set propsal, and the trag’oul rework. Both for minions only, and nonsense set bonuses, and legendary items. How could I forget those.

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Well you will have to sacrifice a ring slot for that.


I’d rather say Masquerade is the tank.

Developers won’t change Rathma now it is an Army of the Dead build.

It could have been a new set.
But I doubt they would introduce a new set.
If they had to refactor one, it would be Inarius.

Well the rework is more flexible than the original because it allows either ranged or melee builds.

You are not bound to the bone storm, but rather bound to curses.
You can cast curses either as aura or far away, depending on your preferences.

And it is retro compatible to the original Inarius.
All builds you could make with the original Inarius can be recreated with this proposal.

That said, discussing with you guys, made me think that some things can be improved.

I should remove the 28 Skeletal Warrior bonuses from Inarius and put it inside legendaries. I shall also correct all Skeletal Warrior bonuses to simply catch the 25x ratio of power between Mages and Skeletons, maybe fix Bone Ringer so it stacks more quickly, and decrese the bonus of Transmutation of Elements to 100%.

I should also rethink the Avatar of Death behavior. Why not incarnate the Golem itself with your own special abilities just like Wizzard’s Archon ? That could enhance the melee orientation of this proposal.

if you have more suggestions, write them !

If there is a change to the Inarius set, I would like to see it work well with curses, namely in that the 4 piece just grants the frailty aura.

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Made another proposal dedicated to the massive skeletons army concept