S18 is fast approaching, how are you preparing?

Farming bounty materials for crafting new legendary power items, I play non season only.

I usually do a few practice runs before the start of the season.

Really, I’m burnt out from Diablo at this point that the only thing that interests me is my improvement upon the first weekend.

This season though, I don’t really feel like starting as a necro, so unless I find a necro who’s willing to practice the leveling portion, I doubt I’ll hit 70 in an hour of season start.

@OP: Season 18? How am I preparing?
Well… Just doing my best to stay healthy. Rest, exercise, diet, cleaning. We all know it’s all going out the window as soon as the season launches. LOL. :star_struck:

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Really sorry to hear that @Lystell.

I see things going better for you when system comes back next time! :):sunglasses:

Any idea of when this season finishes and when s18 starts please?

Nevalistis should know. She has even made a sticky that can be seen here

I’m using the last days of S17 to start a new dh to see if I want to roll one for S18. Pretty much decided I will.


I looking forward to it. My favort part is the first 3 to 4 days of a new season. My wife will be pissed at me lol. I will play probly 35 to 40 hr the first weekend. The last to season’s i had stuff going on and could not. If it falls on the 23 i be pulling an all nighter. And most likely i be playing barb. Out of the last 17 seasons i only started non barb about 3 times lol.

I try to keep it fresh, so each season I focus on a class I haven’t played in a while.

I think I’ll be going DH next season. Possibly multishot as it’s been a while since I played that build.

My last seasonal DH was impale.

Thank you for your help.

S17 was my first for a while after getting a new Laptop, but only played about the last 3 weeks.

Unfortunately I’m going to miss most of S18 as I am going on holidays for 6 weeks. Looks like I will stick to playing my NS DH for a while.

I wouldn’t say no where, there is a new bracer that will improve some barb builds. It’s something but not really what the community wanted.

Although it does bug me a little why Nev even asks us what we wanted for barb and totally just gave us something else.

It’s like if you ordered pizza and you got the pizza but its not the toppings you wanted on it lol.

I’ll play S18 only for the Stash…
Once that is done, I am out!
That should be 1 week’s worth of time. To prepare, sleep now, play later!

Very intesively… doing nothing :smiley:

decided to clean out my stash a little.

I was hoping to clear a GR120 before the season is over but I seem to be stuck at 117, so I might try fishing for some rifts if I have any time in the next few days…
Other than that, I’ll probably juts clear out my seasonal stash over the weekend and that’s about it.

You’re not supposed to do anything - it’s up to you how you play. You get more exp for playing in groups, but you don’t have to do that. Also, there’s nothing wrong with powerleveling - it takes 10 minutes for a fully-geared toon to get you to 70, so it’s not like you’re taking much of someone else’s time - but hey, that’s also up to you. :wink:

Looking at your toon, I’d suggest that you check a build guide somewhere online as MrGatto said. Your skills and passives are all over the place - shadow DH should use Impale, Fan of Knives , Vengeance, Vault, Companion and Shadow Power - Sentry and Multishot are for different builds. Your cubed items are mostly useless and you really need the Karlei’s point dagger and also Chain of Shadows belt, Strongarm Bracers and Elusive Ring. Also, put legendary gems, not Emeralds, into you jewelry sockets, and an Emerald in your weapon socket, not a Ruby.

There is a legendary Enchantress focus that grants her immortality if that’s what you’re getting at.

Use the templar instead if you Eirena annoying. The followers are there just for cc and are, for most part, interchangeable.

i will play any season in future, only if they beat LoN buff, thats not the s18 case


I wouldn’t say no where, there is a new bracer that will improve some barb builds. It’s something but not really what the community wanted.

Although it does bug me a little why Nev even asks us what we wanted for barb and totally just gave us something else.

It’s like if you ordered pizza and you got the pizza but its not the toppings you wanted on it lol."

Bad analogy. More like if you ordered a pizza, but then got delivered 4 year old hot dog, that no one wanted then or now.

It’s also been discussed in many posts that it won’t actually improve most Barb builds.

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I remember a far different response when Mortick’s was initially not introduced. At the time, it definitely was wanted and a much-beloved item. The response when Blizzard decided that it was too powerful and would not go live was :rage::rage::rage::rage:

Even in the 2.6.6 barbarian buff proposal, it was one of the proposal list 2 items. Mortick’s brace was wanted back plus other supporting legendaries to complement its function.

So I will ask what others have asked me, have you read the patch 2.6.6 barb buff proposal?