RNG flaw evidence - Hope of Cain seems to be hopeless

Suspicions of misbehaving RNG are easy to find, but what I’ve just seen today appears to be evidence of it.

Earlier today I noticed I did a rare upgrade of a shoulder piece and received an exact duplicate of an ancient shoulder roll I already had rolled since season end, only a week ago.

I figured it was pretty sus and pondered the probability… it seemed to border on the impossible. Perhaps reasonable to dismiss a one off.

Then, I discovered another rare upgrade of a shoulder rolled only a day or two ago which I didn’t notice until now was exactly the same as another piece I rolled since season end.

So… 2 ancient shoulder rolls within 2 days, both exact duplicates of 2 other shoulder rolls within the last week.

Pretty sure that’s virtually impossible. More likely the RNG has got stuck in a loop, some seed handling flaw or some other flaw that allows the inconceivable to occur.

It’s possibly all of these upgrades came from the same character on second controller (couch coop) which I’m not playing… I earn shards and stash yellow shoulders (among other slots) from cow runs on the monks, then log out to roll / rare upgrade on this barbarian as that’s where I’m looking for upgrades.

It appears alterations to RNG seeding to prevent power off before save / reload with mats has caused this. Kanai recipe hacks that are widely known about for predictable primal creation may be related.

Confirmed 3rd instance, this time with a pair of identical ancient belts on the Barb on first controller in couch coop.

Play pattern of late is roughly alternating cow sticks and GRs to maintain PoR while pushing a few slots needing to be optimised with Hope of Cain. Second controller gets logged out every GR to swap monk being played for Barb shard/cain rolls. First controller gets logged out before every cow stick run to get rid of the last cow portal.

Confirmed a 4th and a 5th instance of this today. I dont play that much, but now that I keep an eye on this, it appears it’s actually pretty common… all those times of “that looks familiar”… not can see why.

It seems like only some kind of short cut in the way rolls are done could lead to this.