Returning Player Quick Question

So I’m returning to D3 and I have a few questions.

But what I’ve gathered there’s quite a bit of people that still play. However, I never see any players looking for a game or am able to join a game with people in it. Is this due to my characters level? Or the level of Diffculty? I’m currently running on Expert.


Yeah, the game has progressed a bit since you probably last played. No one plays in any level less that T16 unless they’re just starting out and that 's usually at the beginning of each season. Also, season 26 is winding down and there’s an active PTR for season 27, so there aren’t a lot of open games.

My suggestion is to keep playing and learn your build so you can easily farm T16. is a great site for D3 builds.

PS ask someone to power level you. It’s the quickest way to get items. PM me and I’ll be glad to get you leveled up.

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Considering it is impossible to start there, yes, they do. But, not for long and certainly most (saying everyone is logically false) try to get to Torment 16 as fast as possible and then play that difficulty exclusively, especially the meta-heads who’ll kick you from their game if you don’t have their expected gear preferences for your character. At this stage, with the next season PTR up the season is pretty much dead. There are probably some bots still running 24/7 to get that last suck of paragon.

You can sometimes, from what I understand, get help by asking for a “power level” or a “plevel” or whatever parlance is the lexicon of the moment. But then you might end up with a lot of Paragon and no equipment so you still have to slowly build up anyway…

So, maybe find a clan/community that is casual or someone who’s looking to up an alternate character.

You haven’t reached base level 70 and current season started well over a month or two ago.

The only people playing pub groups are T16, which is the highest level.

This is actually normal after a season hits 2nd week.

And just like Argos told you is to look at maxroll site for build info

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The game is 10 years old. There aren’t a lot of new players starting the game, so most players are already at max level, with geared characters playing at T16. Also, a lot of players play Seasons, and since it is late in the current season, most players are at max level. So you won’t find many players as you are leveling up, since the odds of finding another new player that is at your current level who happens to open a public game is small. On the off chance one of those players is leveling a new character, they will likely get a powerlevel, either from someone else or do it solo (can get from 1 to 70 in about 10 minutes).

You can wait until the start of the next season. That way you should be able to find a group leveling up. Otherwise, just plug away solo.

Hey OP, if it makes you feel any better, the best part of this game is the leveling up and getting your gear. That’s why each season start is so popular. The bad part is that most of us seasoned players get leveled up and fully geared within a week. Some in a few days. My suggestion is to enjoy the game at your own speed.

PS By the way: Welcome back!

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