Remove or redesign Area Damage

Thanks! Glad you like it!

I have a few more mockups in this imgur album for anyone who is interested.

I regularly add more to that album.

Well, if Blizzard hires me, it could become a reality…
Or maybe another company…

It could be the calculations, or it could just be poorly written algorithms. I don’t always notice the lag in large groups of enemies (though more prevalent) and I do notice it in smaller groups sometimes, even solo. At any rate, it’s sort of a failed mechanic and one that is somewhat “abused” by certain builds. I know I’m just a casual, but I usually don’t even bother trying to roll it on items because there’s usually a better affix available. I know I’m limiting myself, but mostly for push situations where you pixilate mobs together. I’m sure someone will have arguments as to why AD is crucial to their build, but if it’s causing major lag spikes, I’d gladly see it removed/replaced/reworked.
I just wish they would address the significant number of crashes/lockups people experience on otherwise capable systems. Fmodex.dll trick works for me about 95% of the time, but man it sucks playing without sound.
Updates and fresh material are great, but let’s see some technical bug fixes that are long overdue.

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My suggestion : A target can only be hit by area damage once per attack.
Hopefully this would reduce calculations, and turn area damage back to its intended purpose which was to benefit single target skills.
Another alternative would be area damage only affect single target skills. Or perhaps with multiple targets have a reduced effect. Or area damage only affect one other target.

Hey PTR Folk,
I played on my Barb again yesterday, and can now definitely say , that the rework battle rage rune “Bloddshed has the most matching code to potentially address, this area dps problem since , " Procs don’t proc Procs” it has no area dps included, but it works very similar to it.

