Remove animation cancelling for FC?

With the 2.6.8 PTR, and the change to stutter-stepping with saders, the time might be right to ask for a change to FC.

Here’s the problem as I see it: both vilecharge and R6 HotA can push very high, but only with gimmicky wallcharging mechanics. As long as these mechanics are used, there’s a limit to how much the devs will buff Raekor and IK.

Possible solution: give FC the sader treatment (remove animation cancelling), and then give both raekor and IK the buffs they actually deserve. Ideally we’d be left with more builds that can keep up with Rend, but don’t rely on stupid gimmicks.


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Hey Poco, know it’s a bit late in coming but wanted to respond to you.

I think they actually removed FC animation cancelling a while back. Wall charging is a separate problem. I think what happens is that when you charge a wall, the game basically reads this as a charge of 0 distance. The charge animation obviously runs for longer if you are charging the maximum distance, maybe 40 or 50 yards, than if you are charging a guy right next to you. And on a wall, it uses the shortest possible animation.

Like everybody, I’m not 100% sure what has prevented Blizz from fixing it. Changing that “implied distance” when you charge a wall to some larger number would result in lots of times where you get stuck charging a wall for a relatively long animation, unable to do anything. So maybe they’re trying to avoid that happening.

I also recall that a long time ago, when Kripparrian was making his push to complete HC D3 Vanilla on Inferno, he at one point used FC and got stuck in a wall (not sure if he died as a result). I suppose it’s possible the “0 distance” issue might have something to do with a fix for that problem. I dunno!

Thanks for the reply Rage.

Yeah not sure what the ideal mechanical fix would be, as long as the result would be to make satisfying gameplay as effective as gimmicky gameplay.

The “implied distance” you mentioned seems interesting.

I think the first step in properly balancing charge and R6 is to see what the baseline is without wallcharging.

Charge and R6 are already 10tier behind ww/rend. I dont feel like its necessary xD
Removing wallbang would nerf ik/rk by 1/2 max, but for R6 hota by at least 3/4tier.

Yes, it would be a nerf. But the fact that it’s 10 levels behind is exactly why I think it might be a good time to address this. I think it’s a necessary nerf so that we can get a better buff.

I’d like to see both builds doing 138-140, but I’d rather it be without the gimmicks. Does anyone actually like wallbanging?

I don’t know about “necessary” but it would be “consistent” of blizzard to remove the gimmicky animation cancelling elements from the game across the board.

It would also show the actual power of that build without the gimmick…