Relevant Necro SpeedFarming Builds for S20

There are a few builds that get pretty juiced this season with the seasonal theme. LOD Singularity Speed is NUTTY damage. Blightmancer is also super juiced and although the damage isn’t quite on par with LOD Mages, it’s more tanky and a different playstyle if you’re getting tired of spamming rifts on mages. LOD Poison Scythe also gets a small buff, so if you’re looking for an off-meta push playstyle, definitely check it out in Season 20. Any super relevant changes are noted on the diablo fans guides.

Season 20 Necro Starter Guide:

  • Blood & Essence
  • LOD Singularity Speed
  • Blight Spear
  • BlightMancer
  • CorpseMancer
  • BloodMage (only because it’s the only relevant farm for trag’oul)
  • LON Blood Nova
  • Razor Teeth
  • Pesti-Lance
  • Lich King (honorable mention)
  • Poison Scythe

Best of luck to my fellow necros in Season 20!


as a Necromancer specialist its amazing source! Thnx so much Lord Fluffy.

and here is my Goldmancer also for Rifts and Vaults, [476% Extra Gold from Monsters] at the moment.

gonna try the Poison Scythe today but in some builds “Head” piece is not seen or erased from diablofans page.

In-geom / Frailty adaptation of Lord Fluffy’s Blood and Essence, for more mobility in lower rifts :

Just started playing again, im wondering if its possible for me to do the blood essence build at such a low paragon lvl for this season. What do i need to prioritize getting to make it work or is there better builds for me.

As Lord Fluffy said in its video, you are leveling with the build. Before the two pieces, you can do group rifts and numlocking you lance. Group member generate corpses and you auto-consume them as a support character. You have to get and craft all possible XP boosters (Leoric’s Crown + red gemn, Leoric’s Signet, Cain’s Fate, Born’s Impunity). Once you are 70 and have the two pieces, the game starts. You do some rifts to get GR keys, death breaths blood shards. With sufficient blood shards, you create another Necromancer lvl 1 and you bet the Squirt’s necklace with Kadala, until you get it. It will double you damage. You do some GR 1 to get all gemns, then craft slots in rings and amulet to wear gemns. Then objective is to get the 6 pieces to increase your damage (season journey is easy on S18). Then you spend ressources to improve all your gear from yellow to orange : Trag’oul’s Corroded Fang (easy to get) and Corpsewhisper Pauldrons (harder to get, but powerful). Crafting Lerouge set is easy, but you’ll need to be Tourment X to drop the Grandeur Royale Ring with sufficient odds (Bounty act 1). After that, you just level and increase you gemns level.

LOD Singularity is fun and quick, even with only 3 ancients I can still run a solo T70 in around 5 minutes


Poison Scythe build is totally god mode Necro, makes 1 billion Toughness and all the pets with you makes your rift runs super enjoyable! Here is my build version;

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can the poison Scythe build do GR 100 fast?

YuhunSuhan Why run StandAlone ? 7 skellies plus golem so you only get 20% armor. If you cast 3 mages it now gives you -10% armor.

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I think since the skeletons will explode when activated which i assume will be activated as often as possible or numlocked, hence he is getting the armor benefit most of the time.

Just find out a new build on diablofans page; LoD Frosty Nova Solo Build

and create my own one;

Edited for Season 19 boyz! No necro changes besides nerf to Bone Ringer for solo pushing. Speedfarming stay the same so no real updates needed. Good luck to everyone playing Necro in S19! I’ll be at ExileCon, unfortunately, for the start of the season.

I hopy you enjoy your vacation and ExileCon Fluff.

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Tried a lot of different Necro builds and just cant understand why they are so damn squishy, no matter what i seem to just get 1 shot by most enemies anywhere over GR85, yet other classes can just turbo past GR100 taking next to no damage or nuking enemies before they have even become visible. please tell me necro is still in early access so i can still have some hope as to why I bought this necro pack.
secondly, i thought LoD gem was meant to give us creativity on builds? does not seem that way with Necro.