Realm vs Game Loot Options

100%, if they add personal/timed loot.

I am not strictly opposed to separate realms. You can imagine in D2R for LoD in paricular:

D2:LoD classic [very bare bones graphics/audio updates, super minor QoL changes relative to the “original” (I guess patch 1.14x)]

D2:LoD modern. This could be the game for more significant changes.

It would work similar to D3. Game creator in D3 that opens their game to public chooses game difficulty and type (rift, greater rift, key warden bounty). A player looking for an open public game selects difficulty and game type.

In this case, instead of picking torment 16 and regular rift as an example, the game creator picks “hell” difficulty and FFA loot. The person looking for a pre-existing game selects the filters, they like [for example “hell” difficult and FFA loot]. The public matchmaking system is already in place in D3. It would just need a tweak for D2R.

I doubt they are adding such system in D2R. They’ll almost certainly keep the old D2 game creation method.

Gotta go with Skelos on this. No way this is happening.

Blizzard did mention that it will have battlenet matchmaking support. I do not know what this means precisely.

That’s interesting, can you provide the exact quote so we try to see what they intend?

It was a quote from a news article. It was not attributed to a specific person.

“With the Diablo 2 Resurrected multiplayer mode using global servers, you will be allowed to use duplicated names which will be identified by the Battle dot net IDs or gamer-tags. Also, thanks to the modern Battle dot net features, you will no longer need to refresh your characters and they will stay with you all the time. Moving to the global servers will increase the matchmaking speed and help players from all around the world to play together.”

" That improves: Blizzard retains the core elements such as gameplay and systems completely. But there are also a few quality-of-life improvements that the players demanded. These include:

  • A shared loot chest so that you and all characters have access to it
  • Easy item comparison: You can quickly see how good an item is in comparison to what has been created
  • Automatic gold collection: As we already know from Diablo 3, your character collects the gold from the ground himself without you having to click
  • Improved matchmaking: You can quickly join friends in the friends list"

I think they just mean “game creation” here by “matchmaking speed”.

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Yeah would be my guess as well. PR speak where nobody questioned what it said.

Having a filter for games based on loot rules and other stuff doesn’t seem unrealistic though.

Similar to the system in D3, you can join open games with your friends. Don’t think there is any magic here.

Should I be flattered or nervous that today someone else joined the forum with the “MicroRNA” name and the same avatar that is not me? I think an avatar change might be in order.

Wasn’t me! I just "like "your posts. You’ve shown some admirable patience dealing with some people ( who I cannot name) in the D2 Resurrected forum, though, I’ve noticed.

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If you’ve managed to pick up a stalker / impersonator, they’ll just change their avatar to match your new choice. I suspect that forum regulars would be able to spot the change in the “tone of voice” between your posts and those made by the other poster. Also, they won’t have 3.8K posts.

Has the other person actually made any posts?

This is the cause 100% haha.

Back in the days I was popular among the WC3 community in Internet cafes (not this nickname) and some older guy (40+) used my nickname to “promote” himself on an 18+ website ROFL (which I found about when googling my nickname once). It’s a crazy world.

I wouldn’t worry though.

Oh, and at the old D3 forums I regularly got 20 and more downvotes at some particular posts of mine for a few mintues from the botting kids forum. One even reached 55 for around 5 minutes.

Not yet. I found out when I used the forum search feature for “Posted by” and there were two. As some may know, I am from the Clan MacLeod.

D2R has brought out some shocking toxicity of posters with ~100 posts strongly advocating to keep D2 Exactly as it was, not realizing that a death knell for the game. This is yet another manifestation of their…let’s use passion, instead of another word.

I’ve even heard of death threats over this.

Tbh the whole D2R situation is pretty disgusting - from selling a game that is to never be updated much in the future, through not taking action against botting and RMT while keeping the old servers, to the absurd price of the game. This all really leaves a bad taste and creates worries in me for what is to come with Diablo 4.

After the change in management in 2019 I though they headed in a new direction, but D2R showed this was just a re-skin of their old form - money is the priority, not the fans. Well, I’ll give them one last chance until Diablo 4 and if they manage to blow it up that would be the end of my support for them.

How most games should be sold tbh.

Games as a service :face_vomiting: