Not really. Country does not matter in this case. It is a pay per view event that requires a ticket. Any re-broadcast, public or private, is prohibited.
I did talk to my Customer Service MVP lead but they don’t want to make a public Blue post given they are not part of the Legal department and don’t have a statement prepared that was cleared by Legal.
They feel the info given in this thread is currently accurate and acceptable though. Particularly the reference to the Vticket terms. If they meant only public re-broadcast was prohibited, they would have said so. So, listening to me might be good
That is my guess. The Virtual Ticket has never been $70 USD, or anything close. It was $39.99 from 2009 to 2016. In 2017 they raised it to $49.99 and added in weeks of extra videos for behind the scenes stuff, lots more stages, events, cameras and interviews, and months of replay access. All the esports stuff is now covered too. Most of those events did not exist when the V ticket started. The early versions were only the main events for two days.
Going from < 50 hours of content to hundreds of hours of content for only $10 more seems ok to me. Those production folks don’t work for free.
Next time why not lead with that? Instead of making it a Troll post? This is a US based website. You could have mentioned that and avoided inflaming others.
And on my currency it seems to be 39.99€. Which seems to be considerably cheaper than the US dollar price considering the current exchange rate and that it already includes VAT.
Depending on where you live the price can vary due to different factors.