Rare mount farming in D4

I’m leaning on that there will be rare mount drops in D4 akin to mount farming in WoW which I hope there is and perhaps other cosmetics like the mount trinkets of say special monsters that you can hang on your mount that are also rare and farmable. I know its not the thing on most peoples minds for the game right now but it is something a lot of people farm for in WoW for example and it just gives that cosmetic edge for others to drool over.

I don’t think that things that only have power in the game like weapons/armor are the only things that are desirable that people will invest time in obtaining.

I’m not sure if there will be any hard to find mounts (like cosmic wings rare).

The most that we know regarding that was during last year’s BlizzConline, where they talked about there being different breeds of horses, and other mounts that can be earned throughout the world via a number of activities, such as completing puzzles, finding hidden locations, or killing particular types of enemies.

There was also mention of being able to customize your mount with things such as horse armor, horse shoes (which can change the speed of your mount), and other trophies that you can show off on your mount apparently.

Here’s the video:

That said, I’m all for hard to find rewards, including cosmetics.


They likely want you to buy those mount skins, rather than farm for them.

Some of the WoW secrets have been insane. Just wild that people manage to figure them out. Stuff like that could be interesting for sure. Often rewarding mounts and other cosmetics.

I skipped a bunch of them, especially ones that required you to farm something in the overworld in competition with other players, as that is just annoying, but one I recall was this one

That is exactly why I don’t like the idea of mounts in a Diablo game, the focus will be too much on it, and it changes the concept too much, from wanderer to horse rider.

I don’t doubt that there will be (or eventually will be) mount skins that players could buy from the cash shop. However, there will also be mounts that players can earn through in-game activities, like some of the ones they showed.

This is exactly what’s going to happen.

Maybe if they feel like being nice they’ll make them a rare drop too. Maybe. But it would be cosmic wings level of rarity if not even more rare

I hope they add in a marshmallow rainbow unicorn mount that sparkles.

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