Rank Barbarian Passives from best to worst for Rend Barbarian

New from the makers of Firebats–no, not that one. The OTHER one!


Infuriating how funny this is.

He’s to lazy to read the guide. He wants someone to spoon feed him. I’d stop giving him answers and let him figure it out using the guide.

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Well, if you recall from the main thread, I did do one of my S22 clearances (think it was the GR123 solo) with Ambo’s + Doom equipped with Furnace in the Cube rather than IPB equipped with Ambo’s in the Cube. I’ve gone back to the IPBs for now though.

Very interesting line of discussion!

Agree that Ambush wouldn’t be especially good (it would be OK), and that Audacity would be good. Is Audacity multiplicative? If so, +30% damage is very solid- better for damage than anything Barbs have, and better overall than all our passives with the possible exception of Rampage.

Agree with your analysis on those WD, Monk, and cooldown passives.

I think the Crusader’s “Fervor” skill would be pretty good for Frenzy barb: 15% AS and CDR would probably be competitive with +30% dmg from Audacity. It is certainly better than the 20% dibs you can get from Brawler, and Rampage falls off frequently with that build.

The Wizard skill “Dominance” would really come in handy for Barbs… we lack any way to generate an “updating” shield, the way Wiz can with MW:Deflection or DH can with Fortress Ballista. The only shield we can access is from Gizzard, and for this to refresh you need to not take any damage for a while, a tall order for a melee class. If we had the Dominance skill, I would seriously consider using it for Leapquake along with Squirt’s Necklace.

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Yep, both Audacity and Power Hungry are multiplicative.

Yeah I wondered about shields. I kind of forgot about Dominance to be honest, I ruled Galvanizing Ward out since it’s not all that useful without some sort of regenerating shield. Dominance would definitely be good for Squirt’s farming builds.

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But all of those are swords :rofl:

Q) When is a sword not a sword?
A) When it’s a mighty weapon.

This one’s a lot less funny than the one about a door not being a door when it’s ajar.


1., 2., 3., 4., 4. This is the real answer…

This thread has given me an idea for the next season theme.

Theme of Leaking Powers - You can now use passive skills from other classes!


LOL was just thinking the same thing. Just make it a free for all. All passives are open to all classes. Most will be useless but I’m sure a few combos will be amazing.

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A few will fall out, a few will rise. I imagine that Hardcore characters would cheer at being able to get another 2-3 Cheat Deaths - Especially the most powerful Crusader Cheat Death.

That brings another point to mind - A good long while ago, there was a bug that allowed the Hellfire Amulet to grant ALL passives for a class. Considering that we now have powercreep in the form of Squirt’s Necklace or Flavor of Time, I don’t think that allowing a Hellfire Amulet to grant all passives for a class is that powerful, especially considering that 75% of passive skills for a class tends to be either borderline useless or just an extremely minor defensive/offensive boost.

That may be another idea for a Seasonal event - A class has ALL of their available passive skills.

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So, some Skills that I believe would be pretty solid on most other classes.

Crusader: Heavenly Strength. Crusader is basically the only classes with a decent split between using 1 handers and 2 handers, and that’s entirely due to Heavenly Strength. This would open up signficant build options for pretty much everyone else - Dare I say the ability to dual-wield 2 handers for Barbarian and Monks?

Iron Maiden - For other Thorns build.

Witch Doctor - Grave Injustice is a solid stand-alone skill. Swampland Attunement has the potential to be incredibly strong combined with the Monk’s Harmony, in which 40% of their single-resistance is converted to all resistances - Meaning that you basically not only get 3k Physical, Cold, Fire, and Poison Resistance, but an additional 40% of each of those as all resistances - so a bonus 4800 resistances. Insane DR!

I can’t really think of any other OP combos, but I’m sure others can.

I ran out of popcorn…
Did I miss the Druid class skills suggestion from D4?
As you were.


Dude, you are rude and present a very apparant inability to either read for yourself or think for yourself. If the answers people provided do not indeed satisfy you then go cry elsewhere.


They can’t be bothered to even implement small tweaks to items, can you imagine rebalancing all the passives, like should have been done literally years ago?

So, anyway, which passives are best again?

Sorry, I’m feeling mischievous today.

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This thread has gone from one of the most /facepalm to one of the most :joy:

Thank you Barbs (and our rotating supervisors) for making this thread great again :joy:

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