Random freezes please help!

For several months I have been getting random complete freezes on and off. It generally lasts for about 10 - 15 seconds… maybe a bit more. It usually does it in sets of two, although recently that has changed somewhat. What I mean by sets of two is it does it twice in a row, like it freezes for the 10 - 15 seconds, recovers for about a few seconds 3 - 5 sec, then does it again. Although, somewhat recently, it has started being a bit more random about it and sometimes I get it 3 times in a row. Also, it seems to have gotten worse recently… like I’ll have 3 sets of two in a row with maybe 10 sec in between each set. I am using a 2080 rtx @ 4k rez and a i7-9700k w/ 32gb of ram. MSI gaming plus mobo and I forget the ram manufacturer but I think it is cosair. Gigabyte is the 2080 manufacturer as well. During the freezes the fan turns spins down significantly so it is losing it’s load during the freezes. They appear to be totally random and unpredictable as far as I can tell at this point. They are very annoying and often result in my death, making hardcore play impossible. It generally happens 2 - 5 times a day but not always. I really would like to figure this out because it has become slightly more common recently. Up until this point, I just sorta ignored it since I generally don’t play hardcore anyways and it wasn’t a huge inconveinence. Thanks for any help! Windows 10 20H2 build 19042.867.

Did you miss the 600+ post / 64.2K views thread on exactly this subject…

I noticed, just wanted to mention my hardware specifically in case it helped Blizzard in a solution? I know it was repetitive to mention the bug again… oh well. Anyways, replacing the DLL for FMOD fixes the problem as far as I can tell and by searching google, you can find the latest version of the DLL and just copy and paste it into your D3 x64 folder and you are done. You will lose sound until you restart the game. If the sound doesn’t come back, try rebooting.