Random freezes and D3Debug errors at the same time


For a LONG time I’ve suffered from apparently random freezes of 2-5 seconds duration during gameplay.

I’ve recently been re-investigating the issue.

D3Debug.txt contains errors that coincide with the freezes!

The errors look like this:

|2019.12.12 00:00:37.843284900|I 23:00:37.843068 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 42859422 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.843360500|I 23:00:37.843068 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 5249269 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458757 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.846156800|I 23:00:37.846043 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 146800860 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.847618800|I 23:00:37.847062 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 5035203 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.847658000|I 23:00:37.847062 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 5099719 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458757 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.850678900|I 23:00:37.850034 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 29384160 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.850716400|I 23:00:37.850034 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 141849316 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.850750300|I 23:00:37.850034 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 150841672 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.851645200|I 23:00:37.851048 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 95099066 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.852626600|I 23:00:37.852044 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 124926385 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458757 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.853101500|I 23:00:37.853026 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 8212065 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.853138100|I 23:00:37.853026 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 77733673 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:37.853606100|I 23:00:37.853026 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 148546099 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458757 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.020094700|I 23:00:38.019602 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 4601300 program: 17459 region: 2|program=17459|stream=1919710828|localization_id=150 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:246)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.021089600|I 23:00:38.020599 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 9263801 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.021669000|I 23:00:38.021597 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 7913969 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.044737200|I 23:00:38.044536 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 6892785 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458757 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.044798300|I 23:00:38.044536 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 42859422 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.046248900|I 23:00:38.045533 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 3893390 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458757 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.046312600|I 23:00:38.045533 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 7248316 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.101324700|I 23:00:38.100406 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 7234073 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.102726600|I 23:00:38.102399 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 10742546 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.102768700|I 23:00:38.102399 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 4801736 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458757 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.103778200|I 23:00:38.103397 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 16424763 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.103816800|I 23:00:38.103397 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 6011165 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.104314300|I 23:00:38.103397 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 10091290 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.104352700|I 23:00:38.104379 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 78335970 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.104844800|I 23:00:38.104379 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 63089647 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.105340800|I 23:00:38.104379 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 4256153 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.107585800|I 23:00:38.107371 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 10210991 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.117894700|I 23:00:38.117361 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 32341102 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458757 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2019.12.12 00:00:38.118853100|I 23:00:38.118357 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 100182935, id: 46794780 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=458758 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|

What do these errors mean and how do I fix them?

Going from precedent, some nondescript detail will be picked out and you’ll be told to update X, Y, and Z. And no one else has problems with D3. Except they do, but that won’t be mentioned.

Hello Xabster,

Thanks for sending this over, we’ll check it out and get back to you tomorrow. Appreciate you sending over the D3Debug as well, it helps immensely.

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Matt, I have a lot of similar issues, I’ll link when I get home…

It’s frustrating on a gigabit connection, 40ms, never changes and be using a 1080ti with a good processor and cooling to be getting the stuttering - I would love to play hardcore as well, but feel I would be ripping hair out!

This is normally dealt with on the Tech Support forum which has a team of folks who will reply, or people can send their logs in to the 24/7 folks via Support.

Click support at the top right, then Contact Support. I prefer to use the manual navigation but you can also type an issue. You will have to attach logs.

Edit - I see you typing Tias! I am off to sleep.

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The first thing I’d do is try a scan and repair. Outside of the game client actually missing data that’s expected due to accidental omission during the compile sequence when building that version of the game data, the most frequent cause of this is clicking the Play button before the game has fully patched or installed.

That bolded part in the last paragraph is the number one cause of corrupt or missing game files. The problem is that the CASC file system that Blizzard currently uses for its games, while far more robust in terms of ability to add in new features than the old stalwart MPQ, is also very prone to having its files corrupted if you attempt to play during a game data download. For this reason, it is strongly advised that the player do two things:

  1. Set the Battle.net desktop app to always close when launching a game. You can set this by going into Settings > General, and selecting Exit Battle.net completely from the pulldown menu in the When I launch a game section.

  2. Never, ever click Play until all patches and game data are fully downloaded. Just because a game says you can play doesn’t mean you should play. Remember, CASC suffers corruption if a game is running during a download of its own files. For this reason, you should never play while patching or installing. Scan and Repair usually fixes the problem.