Raekor 6 Spear- its current state and needed improvements

I’d love to see raekor on par with the original aegis of valor (holy shotgun) strength. At first, too strong, then over the course of a few seasons tuned down a bit. Or innas would be another precedent.

They did that a few seasons ago right? They put a big damage multiplier on the 4-piece, and missed the possibility of combining it 4-piece + 6-piece with the general multiplier off-piece class set. It was way OP and they had to move the damage to the 6-piece. What build was that again, anyone remembers? Was it firebirds and tal-rasha??

In general, can’t put big multipliers on 4-piece bonuses for this reason.

Yep, that’s it exactly. Just a couple seasons ago when they reworked Firebird.

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Oh ok I get it now.:sweat_smile: