Questions about Impale in Season 25

When was Chemical Burn buffed and what was the old version? I did a search in the blog post for the term “chemic” and there were no hits. If anyone has a link to a prior patch notes with the change, please drop me a link (thanks).

Why use the cold rune that pierces for AoE instead of the lightning rune? I remember from many seasons ago that I would use the lightning rune (ricochet) for T-16 and low GRs because I would run out of resources occasionally.

I’m below 250 paragon, I don’t have all the pieces yet for the build (no HPS, Elusive ring, or RoRG), and I’m using Reaper’s Wraps bracer to assist with resources.

If I’m not mistaken, the Chemical Burn rune wasn’t buffed by the set or something. It was bugged somehow.

Previously only the initial hits of Impale did any meaningful damage, any subsequent hit was pretty meaningless. Now all hits after the first one do 1/3 damage and with the Overpenetration rune you can potentially do tons of damage to all enemies in front of you. Instead of hitting a few enemies you can hit many dozens with a single attack.


Previously, Chemical Burn was only buffed by the S2 bonus.

Now, it is technically buffed by the subsequent hit component of the S6 bonus, each tick of the 3 ticks gains 25000% weapon damage.

At first glance, it may appear to inherit the 75000% initial hit weapon damage, but this is not the case.

You can confirm this by using Impale with a Buriza in cube, you will see the second dagger still do the same tick damage as the initial dagger. Be sure to remove Holy Point Shot if you plan to replicate this test.


Assuming you have the Holy Point Shot quiver, you’re throwing three knives. With Ricochet, these split into two daggers each, which will make another six hits. So, that’s nine hits total. With Overpenetration, the daggers travel in a straight line through as many mobs are in a line. This means that theoretically, in high trash density, you can hit more than nine mobs total. So, Ricochet will guarantee nine hits, Overpenetration can hit as many mobs as you can line up.


Many thanks guys and happy holidays.

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