Question about Typhon helm soul shard

On, they have Shard of Hatred in the helm slot (15% less damage with 3 or less enemies, 10% per enemy if >3). Does anyone know why this is? I would think that just about any shard would be better instead. Said builds are also using Zei’s Stone of Vengeance and Power Hungry not to mention needing to keep up Halo of Karini DR.

It seems like Sliver of Terror would be better. Most builds use Black Hole which gives you 1 CD for the extra damage and the Ring of Fire is just free damage. Sure it gives Black Hole an extra 25% CD, but I don’t think that is a huge nerf to damage since you also get the extra 12.5% from the gem. I know Shard of Hatred can scale very high, but you are losing out on Zei and Power Hungry.

Wizards in general do not benefit much from Sliver of Terror because we don’t have a lot of cooldown centric builds or skills period. Typhon in particular okay so you got hydras no cooldown, storm armor no cooldown, magic weapon no cooldown, Blizzard no cooldown.

Sure you can be creative and swap one of those out for a cooldown but that’s still half your bar not on cooldown, not worth it. Especially since Typhon is one of the tankiest builds as well.

Zei’s is good for the cold version because the stun works to Proc Pain shard CC effect since it’s hard CC. Hope this helps.

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Pain shard Hydras? That’s not a thing, unfortunately. Also, even it was, Zei’s stuns would have no value there. Magistrate Frost Novas would take care of all the CC for you.

Pain shard is no good because the 100% crit effect doesn’t work with hydras. I actually theorycrafted up a build with the 50% attack speed version of the Pain shard to hit a higher breakpoint. It was competitive with Lies assuming the crit effect worked.

I wrote up a gigantic post about it with a bunch of numbers to prove it. I was super excited about it! Then I thought I should test it out before I posted.

… and it turns out the 100% crit effect does not affect hydras. I tried it both with manually cast novas and with Magistrate-cast novas. No bueno. I also tried varying when I spawned the hydras (since I think hydras snapshot crit chance on spawn, which may be the cause of the problem), before vs. after applying CC and that didn’t change anything. And without that working, the Pain shard is strictly worse than Lies in all situations by a fair margin. So I scrapped the post.


You can get two cooldowns. Teleport + Black Hole. You would drop Magic Weapon for Black Hole. If you use Barrier Blades then Magic Weapon: Deflection doesn’t add that much value. Deflection doesn’t scale with the blade-specific attack speed multipliers (Fragment of Destiny and Shame of Delsere), it has an ICD that scales with your regular attack speed but not skill-specific attack speed multipliers. This contrasts to Barrier Blades which grants a shield stack every cast, so does scale properly with Fragment + Shame. So Deflection actually doesn’t add very much shields when you have Fragment + Shame in comparison to Barrier Blades.

At the 24 frame hydra breakpoint (doable with a 15% IAS shard, requires 2.30+ sheet APS + 50% Tasker’s) you’ll have an 11 frame blades. But you can only get Deflection stacks about every 60/2.3 = 26 frames, so you only get a Deflection stack roughly every third primary attack.

So you could have 2*(60 + (60/11)*3*4) = 251% max shield with just Barrier Blades vs. 2*(60 + (60/11)*3*4 + 2.3*3*4) = 306% max shield with Barrier Blades + Deflection. So Barrier Blades is only giving a 306/251 = ~22% boost to your max shield value (give or take a bit, I’m not exactly sure on the mechanics of the Deflection ICD but it definitely doesn’t scale with Fragment + Shame).

The Ring of Fire is actually very strong. You aren’t taking Sliver of Terror for the cooldown-based effect. You’d be taking it solely for the Ring of Fire. It’s like a mini-Conduit. If you opt for Ring of Fire it helps to add an extra cooldown or two to leverage the primary bonus, but the reason to opt for Terror over Hatred for Typhon’s is entirely for the Ring of Fire.

Ring of Fire Typhon’s is a definitely viable build. I’ve been trying it out. Not sure if it’s stronger or not, and it plays a bit different with the ring (you want to kill trash and try and hit 100 stacks while you have a couple elites on you to burn them down). But it’s viable.

As I discussed above, it’s definitely viable for Typhon’s (it’s decent, but I’m not sure if it’s better than Hatred or not).

But it is the best option for Orb builds in my opinion. Orb builds at range don’t get much value from Hatred at all. And Fragment of Destruction is pretty useless outside speedfarming and support builds. That leaves Sliver of Terror for orbs. You can get 2 cooldowns pretty easily with orb builds (Teleport + Black Hole for Tal’s/LoD, Slow Time for DMO), but that’s not really enough to make the IAS + CHC Terror worth it. So might as well use Ring of Fire with orbs! It’s kinda scary because you need to jump right in the mix of things when you hit 95+ stacks because the Ring spawns at your feet and you want it under the elites. And if you die, the stacks reset to 0! I died on Tal’s Frozen Orb a few times at 99 stacks trying to proc the ring on some elites. Major bummer. If you can pull it off, it’s pretty effective though. I think the Ring of Fire is the best option for all orb builds.

EDIT: I should add Black Hole is very helpful in non-twister Ring of Fire builds because you can use Black Hole to help pull stuff into the Ring of Fire.

EDIT2: Ring of Fire is also viable for Firebird’s: you can have three cooldowns (EB + Frost Nova + Black Hole). And for Vyr’s: you can have 3 cooldowns (Archon + Slow Time + Black Hole) for the first 4 seconds of Archon, then 1 after that (Archon). You’d probably want to sync to CoE (68+% CDR with no Obsidian) so that the initial 4 seconds with 3 cooldowns lines up with your CoE phase for maximum damage.

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Really??? Wow I’m surprised at this but I guess that’s what I get for only testing speeds with it (well because Typhon mainly used for speeds these days). I was beating several Dregs of lies users in time with the Pain shard so I’d just assumed it was working, guess this was just a different set up (probably Ranslors) and a skill thing. The truth would have likely revealed itself to me had I been pushing.

Could also be that Dregs of Lies isn’t really that great for us because we only have 2 pets out at a time vs other classes 6+, which is not surprising. But anyway my stance for Shard of Hatred still stands though, even not using Deflection which I was saying you could swap out for Black Hole, that’s only 3 cooldowns…really not good enough to justify even with Ring of Fire. You’ll get more consistent timings with the 100% upgrade Hatred, that’s why they have it. Not saying Ring of Fire isn’t viable on Typhons, definitely is a great clearing tactic! It’s just never going to be as optimal for us as other classes due to lack of cooldowns.

That doesn’t really have any effect for the purposes of Lies. There’s a very slight change in the value of Lies based on how many pets you have and the rate they attack at, but it’s actually the opposite of what you are assuming here. And the effect is pretty much negligible.

Also, for the purposes of Lies each hydra counts as 5 different attacks (one for each head), so 10 total. You gain a Lies stack for each head that hits, not for each hydra that hits. You’ll see you gain Lies stacks in chunks of 5 oe 10. Sometimes it’ll shift a bit if the hydra heads get a bit out of sync, but if you put down two fresh hydras you should see you gain Lies stacks in chunks of 10.

The stacks fall off steadily over a period of 5 seconds (and you cannot gain more stacks during this interval, they always fall at the same rate), then there is a 1 second cooldown with 0 stacks before you start gaining stacks again.

The base Lies multiplier at 0 stacks is 1.25x. The Lies multiplier at 100 stacks is 1.875x (1.25x base effect * 1.5x at 100 stacks for the stack effect).

If you average the DPS over a full rotation of stacking Lies, it falling off, then the 1 second cooldown, it turns out the average multiplier is around 1.52x (1 second to stack to 100) to 1.54x (10 seconds to stack to 100) depending on how long it takes to stack to 100.

And it actually turns out that attacking slower with fewer pets slightly increases the relative value of Lies. This effect is quite small though.

Here is the relative multipliers for the stacking Dregs of Lies (both just for the stacking effect and then for the stacking effect times the base effect) for different hydra breakpoints. You can see the relative value of Lies is actually very slightly higher at lower breakpoints, but the difference is extremely small.

Hydra breakpoint Time to stack to 100 Average stack multiplier over full rotation Average stack multiplier * base Lies multiplier
36 6 1.229 1.536
30 5 1.227 1.534
24 4 1.225 1.531
18 3 1.222 1.528

You should either be at the 30 breakpoint (cold, % damage, or CHC on shard) or the 24 fpa breakpoint (IAS on shard).

If you use the Remnant of Pain with the 50% attack speed buff (and IAS as the level 2 effect), it’s possible to hit the 18 fpa breakpoint. This would be a 33.3% damage increase over the 24 fpa breakpoint.

So the 50% attack speed buff on Remnant of Pain is effectively a 1.33x multiplier. If the 100% crit effect worked, between the higher breakpoint and the crit buff this could be competitive with Lies.

Except… the crit buff doesn’t work. And now you also take the 15% crit chance loss with no way to make it up by leveraging the 100% crit effect. The loss of 15% crit chance costs you about 20% dps, so that means the effective multiplier of Remnant of Pain with the attack speed buff and the crit chance loss is only about 1.1x.

With Remnant of Pain at 1.1x effective multiplier between the higher breakpoint but the crit loss… that means it’s strictly worse than the base multiplier of 1.25x on Lies. Even if you never have a single Lies stack from the stacking effect… Remnant of Pain is still worse. The 100% crit effect has to work for Remnant of Pain to be worth using with hydras. Without it… it’s always worse than Lies in all situations.


I dunno, the Ring of Fire is more than strong enough to stand on it’s own. Even without a bunch of cooldowns to buff the Sliver of Terror.

You could have 0 cooldowns in your build and the Ring of Fire would still be good. If you play around it properly in a push, the Ring of Fire is just that strong. At a certain point, it clears a good chunk of the rift for you.

Worth noting this is strictly for push situations where you are pushing above your limit on a tier where you can still kill trash but it takes ages to kill elites. That’s where the value of the Ring of Fire is.

In speedruns or or higher tier gem up runs, Ring of Fire doesn’t really have much value. Hatred will be strictly better.

It’s when you are pushing the limits and you can barely tickle elites that the Ring of Fire really shines. Fish for a big open map with some easy to kill trash, drag multiple elites through the map as you kill trash over a couple minutes, pop a ring, burn three elites at once and get a bunch more Ring of Fire stacks (once you proc the first ring, it gets stacks towards your next ring so that makes it easier to get 100 stacks for any subsequent rings). It’s like a mini Conduit.

If you are on a tier where you are killing elites fairly easily, Ring of Fire doesn’t have much value. And will be strictly worse than Hatred. Ring of Fire doesn’t really shine until you jump a few more tiers to something that would otherwise be impossible to clear, fish for the right map + mob type, and then you just kill slowly kill some trash and let the Ring of Fire clear the rift for you.

I don’t think this is necessary for hydra builds, as hydra is strong enough to stand on it’s own with Hatred. Ring of Fire just ends up being an alternative playstyle.

For some of our other builds, Ring of Fire will push them a few tiers higher than it would otherwise be possible to clear. You just need a build that can kill trash, struggles to kill elites, and can stack Stricken fast enough that the RG kill doesn’t take forever, and the sky is the limit with the Ring of Fire.

The build I just described sounds kinda like Chantodo Vyr’s, doesn’t it?


Yeah that could easily be a skill/experience thing. Don’t underestimate the value of wizard experience! I routinely blow by Inna6/Raiment4 monks in bounty games when clearing up the last bounties. That shouldn’t be a thing, Inna6/Raiment4 should move way faster than Typhon’s with Aether Walker. A good monk should leave a good wizard in the dust. I think it’s just because I’m way better with teleport than the average person in a pub game is.

Maybe you’re just a better player than those other guys! :stuck_out_tongue:
The best comparison will always be to compare against yourself using different setups. Then you know you’re comparing the two setups on equal ground.

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Right lol guess I was underestimating that since I’m not so hardcore as I once was, comparing yourself is going to be better that makes sense. And yeah beating monks in speeds shouldn’t be a thing either nice, go go experience :slight_smile: Your Ring of Fire for push setup up makes sense where 100% on groups of 10 or more really only shines on speeds since Typhon’s hydras actually utilize Area damage unlike all our other popular push builds besides LoD Twister and AO builds.

Thanks for the hydra breakpoint comparisons with Lies and Pain, really helpful! So even if it was working it would still be comparable or worse (like on RG) and not significantly better.

So no point in really screaming to get that fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

It would have been a bit behind for pushing (where you hit CC immunity) but actually a decent chunk ahead for speedfarming when you aren’t constantly hitting CC immunity (on a tier where you kill everything in 5-10 seconds before you hit CC immunity you’d just have 100% crit basically the entire time) and could basically just cruise through rifts with super fast hydras melting everything with 100% crit. Hydras go brrrrr.

I was actually really disappointed when I tested it and realized it didn’t work. It was a good idea and you were on the right track, it would have definitely been worth using if the crit worked.

Yeah I thought about reporting it after I first tested it but I don’t think it’s worth the effort, doubtful they fix it this season. I think it’s some sort of weird interaction with hydras snapshotting crit when you summon them or something like that, so it’s probably a deeper fix than just flipping a bit to make it work with hydras.

Thanks for your research! YOu saved my time and resources :grinning:
I also chose between these two

Hmm. There are 2 aspects here imo. 1. Typhon have no troubles with single target. 2. Since they fixed oculus, we need to be in melee zone. So ring of fire doesnt give much for us (we can beat elites), And 2x multiplier is too OP to lose it. So typhon in s25 is 100% melee build imo

But to be honest i would think about red gem in head with low para cuase it gives also toughness. Melee typhon are kinda squishy

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Remnant of Pain doesnt work with hydras?? :man_facepalming: :exploding_head:
I just cleared a 140 with it… But I tested to confirm, and I got the same as you… Might be a case of procs dont proc procs? Idk… :man_shrugging:
Now I need to try with dregs instead!

Thanks for research TinneOnnMuin, looking forward to compete for rank 1 with you now that the 144 botter got banned! Good luck!

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I think because you are running F/R instead of Tasker’s you get a slightly bigger benefit from the attack speed from Pain as it bumps you up two breakpoints instead of 1, you potentially gain 40% dps going from the 42 fpa breakpoint to the 30 fpa breakpoint (compare that to an optimized Tasker’s setup where you’d be gaining 33% dps going from 24 fpa to 18 fpa with Remnant of Pain). But then you lose some of that from the 15% CHC loss, that offsets a good chunk of what you gain from the extra attack speed, so without the 100% crit effect working it’s pretty meh. The attack speed Remnant of Pain does seem to have a bit more value for an F/R setup, but quickly checking some attack speed numbers with no Tasker’s and without the 100% crit effect it definitely still isn’t enough of a boost to outperform Lies.

Lies gives a little over a 50% dps boost on average, Pain for non-Taskers gives 40% from the attack speed but then you lose something like 20% dps for -15% CHC, so without the 100% crit effect working it’s just not really competitive.

EDIT: should point out in an F/R setup that isn’t properly optimized for attack speed, the attack speed Remnant of Pain could potentially be taking you from 48 to 30 fpa, so a 60% boost. But assuming you optimize your attack speed with Lies, you should be aim to be at 42 fpa with Lies. If you are going from 48 fpa F/R + Lies to 30 fpa F/R + Pain, Remnant of Pain is actually closer to being competitive (still behind by about 20% dps though), and provides faster Stricken stacking. But properly optimized, I think you should be looking at a 42 fpa F/R + Lies vs. a 30 fpa F/R + Pain, and Lies wins handily in that scenario.

We’ll see! Not sure how much higher I’ll go, I’ve got at least a few more tiers in me though. Good luck to you as well!

I did check breakpoints on d3planner, but didn’t test in game to confirm. With pain, I didn’t have any ias at all except for 15% on the shard and 7% on the weapon itself. It loses value as the 50% ias adds to the armour-level ias. That allows me to stack AD which is great with a twister pull and I also loved the attack speed for shield sustain and stricken, so quite sad that the shard isn’t BiS. :frowning:

With lies (with ias on the shard and still fnr), I have to have one more ias roll to hit 2.0 breakpoint, but luckily I had a pair of quad gloves laying around (even ancient!), so I can keep all my AD rolls! I’d love to put typhon on overall wizard front page, which needs a 143 right now, but it’ll need a great rift… I’ll have a go, might need to go sliver, but we’ll see.

Going back to original question, for typhon speeds there is no good helm shard, which sucks. You are spending most time far from dense groups, and the ring of fire does nothing in speeds. For pushing, both are great obviously, although sliver doesnt do much apart from the (OP) ring. Zeis doesn’t really fit into the build anyway, because trapped enforcer and stricken are better, and audacity works as well as power hungry. It’s mostly about the build being super squishy (especially with ranslors…) so you really dont want to be in the middle. But both shards force you to, hatred for the 25 yard requirement, and sliver because the ring spawns on you, so you need to go in and get kills up to 100 when in there. Sliver damage scaling with GR level makes it the strongest choice when you go very high, but not sure at what point that cross-over happens.

I’m still playing with shard of hatred, want to test how far it can go before I switch to sliver (that I agree has higher potential). With hatred I can still kill elites on 140 with stricken and by pulling trash onto them in rounds and kill them with AD and hatred buff. I actually recorded the 140 clear, have a look if you want: Diablo 3 S25: Typhon's Veil GR140 rank 1 clear - YouTube.


Yeah I’ve been doing most of my wizard GR speeds with Firebird’s manual Flame Blades (with the death explosion Anguish, gives it a nice AoE boost). Typhon’s without Aether Walker is too slow, and Typhon’s with Aether Walker doesn’t quite have enough damage to do high enough tiers to match the XP/hour of Firebird’s. Firebird’s has that better balance of mobility and damage.

I exclusively use Typhon’s for T16 rifts and bounties, but at that point it doesn’t really matter what shard you use. I either use the movement speed Hatred or alternatively just a Topaz with Broken Crown on my follower for a few extra gems.

I really wish wizards had some better options for speeds. But the mobility from 4p Firebird’s just can’t be beat by any of our other builds, everything but Firebird’s requires two weapons and a source and gives up too much damage to slot Aether Walker. You can do slower clears on higher tiers, or do super speed 90-100s with Aether Walker, but Firebird’s really dominates that 2-3 min clear range for the mid tiers.

I swapped back and forth for a bit, in the 135-140 range it didn’t feel like a huge difference. I think at some point if you’re going to just yolo, bump up a few extra tiers and fish for a big open map with easy to kill trash where you can drag a bunch of elites you wouldn’t normally kill through the map with you and burn three elites at once when you get a ring, that’s where the ring starts to win. For a more moderate tier, the extra damage from the Shard of Hatred may actually be more consistent for many situations, particularly on more closed in maps where you can’t drag elites along with you as you accumulate stacks for the Ring of Fire.

I also think for the Ring of Fire it may be better to go with Black Hole: Absolute Zero instead of Twisters + Ranslor’s so you get a cooldown for the Sliver of Terror base effect, but then you lose some value from area damage without the tight trash pulls from Ranslor’s. Black Hole is also helpful because you can pull elites into the rings if they wander out, which you wouldn’t be able to do with Ranslor’s (except by body aggro).

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Welp. Got back around to trying some Typhon’s pushes again (been doing some DH and other wizard set pushes), first good map I actually tried was looking great but I died at 99% and got the no option to revive bug. Rip rift. We go again!

Ugh, that’s so unlucky… :frowning:
Would’ve been rank 1 easy. I guess it was a good rift? Same build as your 138? Would be interesting to see your playstyle in a vod if you don’t mind recording.

I’ve been playing around with different variants, including some crazy stuff, hoping I’ll put something on the leaderboard soon. :smiley:

edit: ohh I see you got the clear, grats!

Yep, same build. Got a couple gear upgrades (primal Magistrate!) but nothing else different.

Sure thing! Guess that means I’ll have to clear a 141 so I can make a video :stuck_out_tongue:

Misplayed a bit with a couple deaths, tried to get really aggressive on the first ring. Rift was good enough that it didn’t matter anyway!


Grats, nice clear! And yeah that summoner woods with condi! Seemed like you were running speeds after first 4-5 minutes. :smiley: You can totally go higher with this! Is 150 possible?? Or at least put it on wizard front page with 144-145? I guess you have higher firebirds and LoD twister clears though.

I keep thinking “omg imagine a twister pull here”, but you’re so tanky instead! Just make giant pulls and put hydras in the middle, they’ll sort out the density themselves. I struggle to stay alive with many elites around, and dying loses you all the ring stacks… :grimacing:

Not for me haha!

I could go a few tiers higher I think, but I’m guessing I’d cap out at 143-144. Not sure how much more effort I’ll put in to Typhon’s, I’m almost done for the season and not planning on farming any more paragon just finishing off some pushes.

If someone with 7k paragon put some effort in, I think 150 would be pretty doable though. The extra 4k paragon would be another ~4 tiers of damage, plus a bunch of toughness that would let them play more aggressively and have better Squirt’s uptime. With really good gameplay I bet it could even be done at 5-6k.

I’m at 143 with Firebird’s manual Flame Blades, planning to bump that to 145.

I don’t really play twisters, I tend to do Frozen Orb instead for LoD/DMO/Tal’s. Typhon’s is my second highest wizard set clear, behind only Firebird’s.

Saw your 142 by the way, that’s definitely an outside-the-box setup!

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