PTR 2.7 [Wizard]

So, correct my thinking, but isn’t new FB basically MH mechanics? Skill damage doesn’t matter, it’s just about boosting your dibs and your AS?

Just tried electrocute, forked lightning, and it felt really good. There’s lots of legendaries that boost electrocute hits.

I tried the new FB set with the Spark Flint build and the Spec Blades-Flame Blades build. For the Spark Flint build, I didn’t use the classic Sigil. I equipped OoID and cubed Furnace. I did GR100 in about 4 mins. I kept running out of AP at various points in the rift, even though I didn’t have any IAS rolls and my OoID has 4 APoC. It could have been that I was randomly recasting Spark Flint as it was assigned to left click. The Flame Blades build was also in about 4 mins., but felt easier because I could recover AP at will. I had 3 IAS rolls on gear.

Both builds are functional and efficient, but it wasn’t what I would have preferred. I’m still not OK with the channeling spell exclusion. I don’t like spell lockouts. The spell lockout also kills a reverse archon channeling build idea I had in mind for the new FireBird set. I still liked having the prior TR6/FB4 as a powerful alternative, but I’ll take the current TR6/FB4. I should be able run BDF’s Disintegrate farming build in T-16 without fear of death.
'- YouTube

The revised FB-6 shows BDF was ahead of his time.

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Fun Fact:
Current PTR patch Duplicates can kill T16 rift guardian (full gear, gems, paragon of course). Use Flame Blades build and switch Spell Steal for Duplicates. Switch Elemental Exposure for Illusionist. Next test: GR100 solo, with no main stat from paragon, no augments, and only 2 non-ancient items equipped.

GR100 done in about 10.5 mins sloppy and they slaughter the RG.

Next test: GR110 solo, +1076 paragon main stat, no augs, only 2 non-ancients.
GR110 is noticeably slower but still effective enough. The duplicates can still kill elites and the RG. It took 8 mins 13 seconds because I had lots of elites that kite. When encountering elites I ignite them, cast blades away from them, tele. next to them, pop duplicates and stop casting for 5 to 8 seconds. Most times my EB is missing the elites because they would kite away.

I think the duplicates inherit the FB 2p on death effect because there were lots of fire meteors dropping on top of the elites and I had to re pop the duplicates multiple times.

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Yes, I had noticed that as well. While it was cool to see, unfortunately the meteors (at least not the mirror images variant) doesn’t deal any noticeable damage, otherwise it’d make for an interesting build.

Hm… yeah. Would by funny. But well, I’m not really surprised by that - they won’t do much damage without the buff items you’d normally have to use for Meteor (= Grand Vizier/Nilfur). I’m also suspecting these inherited FB Meteors to cause only 10% your damage because they come from a Duplicate. Unless this is completely unintended behavior. The question is what happens when you play a Meteor build. Might be funny to use Mirror Images for suicide bombing :smiley:

LMAO suicide bomber build would be very interesting. I also noticed what Oblivion stated. The random fire meteors do almost no damage. The Spec Blade attacks do the real damage based on FB-6 triggers.

Which means it’s based on a proc coefficients, which is a flat “This is really badly designed and unfun” from me.

Yep, similar idea. Main difference is that FB6 procs do appear to correctly inherit elemental damage unlike Manald procs. So elemental damage is more important with FB6 than it was with Manald Heal builds.

It doesn’t appear to be. Oblivion’s thinking that the FB meteors from Duplicates only do 10% damage, as they would for all skills. That has nothing to do with proc coefficients. Not really sure where you’re going with this.

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If it’s proccing from Spectral blade but not from other spells, it is using proc coefficients, 100%. If it works from Wand of Woh procs, which have a coefficient of zero, that would be contradictory. Signature Spells all have high proc coefficients.

DoTs are kinda the same way, as I recall. So I wouldn’t expect it to work with mammoth or Blazing Hydra. I wouldn’t expect it to work with Chantodo’s either (it’s a proc).

Why it didn’t work with Heat Wave was a mystery to me. Honestly, it is probably a remnant of how Wave of Force used to be and the spit and baling wire fix when it was changed to Fire.

Okay, so you were talking in general and not about the Mirror Images FB2 meteor thing?

Those both have proc coefficients.

Then it doesn’t for WoF: Heat Wave, which also has a proc coefficient.

I don’t know what the logic is for things it does and doesn’t work with, but it’s not proc coefficients.

Mammoth and Blazing are considered DoTs, which is probably the difference. Lexi did a mechanics thing earlier in the PTR cycle, but I would suspect it’s changed since then.

absolutely weird Mirror Images trigger Firebirds. The damage from the Death effect I would suspend doesn’t count as a DoT and is from the Wizard himself. Spit and baling wire coding. Mirror images in general are a pile of barely-holding-together/working-code.

So we agree that it has nothing to do with proc coefficients then?

It doesn’t work well with DoTs and Heat Wave. All of those things still have proc coefficients. So proc coefficients aren’t the issue.

Claiming things like

is a bit misleading.

It still is using proc coefficients, but also different rule sets for DoTs, too. I hate proc coefficients on items and set design. HATE them.

I mean, they have too, when you have Arcane Torrent + Deathwish, but I wish they had have designed it more elegantly.

What’s worth with Fire Spells - JUST Fire spells - dealing 20,000% more damage. I don’t want to wade into the cesspool of wizard proc coefficients if I can help it.

What para are you? 4 min for GR100 is kind of slow IMO

1770+… Keep in mind that I’m observing the actional and the kill speed of the dupes. The elites kept kiting and running away which slows the clearing down. If I focused purely on murdering stuff it would have gone much faster.

Saw this and made me want to test the mirror image build. OH my goodness is it fun! Even though it’s a DW+Channel build it’s more dynamic than Hydra is due to the AI of the Mirror images.

Some pretty wonky variations coming out for push on the leaderboards, but for speed it’s amazing. This FB6 proc based design is really nice for Hybrids!

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Now if only they’d buff mirror images, then that’d be a real Kamikaze that’d I’d be glad to have.


Kinda glad we got a disintegrate build, finally. I mean, I was asking for like 9 years, and by that time I was sick to death of channeling builds.

Also, RIP to my dude Slorak’s.


Mirror Image with EB? As soon as I cast MI, they run away from every mob. Its like they’re doing it on purpose! Maybe with Meteor, but with EB it seems like you lose so much DPS potential.

Hey Cratic,
Any chance you can post pics of your skills page and cube setup?

I have a few more ideas I need to feed through the meat grinder before the PTR goes dark.