PTR 2.6.10 Patch Update
PTR 2.6.10 has been updated with a new patch! Item changes, bug fixes, and balance updates have been implemented. We appreciate you all for playing, providing feedback, and patience this PTR. We’re looking forward to gathering your thoughts on the patch - See you in hell!
- PTR testing has been extended to 10/27
- PTR Patch update is now live! Changes and updates have been listed in our blog.
10/23 - PTR Patch is LIVE and available for play.
- The Twisted Sword - Available w/ PTR Vendor Djank Mi’em
- Ursua’s Trodden Effigy - Available w/ PTR Vendor DJank Mi’em.
Note: We addressed an issue where the item was not spawning, craftable, or available via mob drops. FIXED
- Fixed an issue with Trag’oul’s Corroded Fang not properly applying the correct bonuses to pets.
PTR 2.6.10 Patch Update
PTR 2.6.10 has been updated with a new patch! Item changes, bug fixes, and balance updates have been implemented. We appreciate you all for playing, providing feedback, and patience this PTR. We’re looking forward to gathering your thoughts on the patch - See you in hell!
- PTR testing has been extended to 10/27
- PTR Patch update is now live! Changes and updates have been listed in our blog.
10/23 - PTR Patch is LIVE and available for play.
- The Twisted Sword - Available w/ PTR Vendor Djank Mi’em
- Ursua’s Trodden Effigy - Available w/ PTR Vendor DJank Mi’em.
Note: We addressed an issue where the item was not spawning, craftable, or available via mob drops. FIXED
- Fixed an issue with Trag’oul’s Corroded Fang not properly applying the correct bonuses to pets.