PSA Loot filters, and you!

i made another thread about a loot filter example, and while most of the feedback was overwhelming positive.
i got a few nutters in there. so less address the “concerns” some of you people have with a “loot filter”

this is not how loot filters work at all, loot filter does not in any way CHANGE what drops… it FILTERS what you SEE.
if i don’t want “arrows” or throwing potions to appear past when my character is lvl past 10 i hide them,
if i want a specific item to be more visible " i can change the color of it" i can change the name of it.
i can tell how many sockets an item has before i pick it up and i can hide items that arn’t a specific amount of sockets, i can hide “magic crustal swords” in hell mode.

made it so past lvl 30 i only show greater/super healing/mana pots, and i can shorten the name to just say “!H” or “!M” so it doesn’t take up so much screen space

i dont change what drops at all, it still drops… i can still even pick it up if i click directly on the model of the item, as its still on the ground but i wont see the “words” appear when i hold down alt

i do not change in any way WHAT drops, all i change is how i “see” it

this ex the same thing blizzard change when they changed runes from being white to being orange

lets address this issue
first off… diablo 3 doesn’t even HAVE a loot filter… soo yeah…

what diablo 3 has is a loot MODIFIER which changes loot to be more tailored toward the class you are playing… and.

and diablo 3 is a POS item balance wise ( sorry blizzard, buts its true, you dropped the ball, BADLY)
diablo 3 postgame is based around "pick a set and your are forced to use those skills
diablo 2 is based around “pick a skill” and make a build around it

another responce was

that “loot filters” give the player using them an unfair advantage.
to which i reply? what advantage? it makes my screen cleaner and more organized? yeah sure… but you can use a loot filter too? so what happened to that advantage?

and the last response was " you should force every player who joins a game to use the same loot filter at the game creator" to which i say.

thats a million times worse than not having a filter at all.
what u can do with a loot filter is VERY strong.

do u think i want to join someone else game and see how THEY have thier filter?
what if they decided that they are lvl 95 and thier filter HIDES gear i want to find?
what happens if some person took a loot filter and tried to modify it and used bad code and turned all the items to gibberish?
what happen when someone is just like " im ganna name every item the same thing just to troll people" im call all armors “arrows” im going to make every rune drop “display” as “jah”.

i would NEVER trust some random person in my game to have a good filter.

loot filters do NOT modify what drops in ANY way… they modify how you SEE what DID drop. they filter out the garbage and make the screen cleaner and make it so you are less likely to accidentally miss that item you were searching for .

this has been, Loot filters and you

if u want to SEE what a loot filter looks like


Again, single player or instanced loot only. If you see less noise on the screen, which allows you to see items that other players can’t, then that gives you obvious advantage. It is not about modifying the drops, it is about visual advantages. If you can see that GG 4 socket Exile base under the rubble of arrows, but I see just the arrows, it gives you the advantage. In the current looting system which pits us free for all first come first serve, it is highly unfair.

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then download the loot filter im using?

for it to be an “advanatge” it means y i have access to it and you don’t

yeah sure i have an advantage over someone who choose to NOT use a loot filter. but that’s THEIR choice, not mine… they CAN use a loot filter they are choosing NOT to.

if someone gave you 3000 to build your own pc and you just bought a premade one off the shelf for $400, and someone else built a gamine rig for $2960. u cant “complain” how they have an advantage… you CHOOSE not to spend the money.

if u choose to not use a loot filter, that’s your choice.

if u give everyone the same thing no one has any advantage.


You are still having an advantage in the current looting system unless everyone has the same visual cue in a multiplayer party. Now, if D2 used instanced loot, I wouldn’t give a flying hoot about what filter you were using. Your screen, your loot, your choice.

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For people who dont understand loot filters look up path of exile , loot filters are a QOL improvement they are NOT an i win button it just shows the items YOU want to see it greatly cleans up screen clutter .


but they CAN thats the point… im not saying " only give loot filters to me" or " you cant use a loot filter unless you pay $9.99 per month for access… … EVERYONE gets a loot filter option… what they choose to do with that option is THEIR choice.

but giving everyone the same thing gives advantages to no one, if u choose not to use it that your choice but u can’t complain if u do.


Still equality through inequality. One or more people will be at a disadvantage unless everyone is using the same filter modifications. The loot filter will alter how people see loot, and will not be the same playing field for all players. The shared loot system is rigged enough as it is to the fastest clicker/stop dpser/not stuck in animation frame people. This just adds another disability to the system if not applied to all in the group.

I haven’t played D2 in awhile, but I think there would have to be quite a large number of items on the ground before you actually couldn’t see the item at all. I don’t recall that being an issue that often.

Will players playing with ultrawide resolutions have a visual advantage? I imagine we’ll all be seeing a bit further than we did at 800x600? Don’t recall them discussing field of view in any of the Blizzcon videos though.

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This is usually an issue with gold chest drops with the items themselves being hidden and unclickable unless you have the time to pinpoint accuracy or move around to shift the text. Many times in other cases, the length of the text of other items blocks the view or overlays if you will the text from other items.

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which is exactly why its good to have a loot filter?


They also announced a zoom feature which may alter the way items are seen on the ground unless it just zooms in and items are just closer to look at including the item text above.

If loot filters aren’t messing with the actual drops, and it’s just a visible change.
Then sure whatever.
Loot filter to me means a sorceress item won’t drop for a necromancer.

So it was a misunderstanding

that would be horrific XD

Loot filter to me is a simple QoL and while I don’t care for the full featured loot filter you can make in mods, I like the idea of this unlocking after you beat hell baal:

Show potions below Super
Show Arrows/Bolts
Shows keys

etc, just simple “I don’t play ranged why would I want to see arrows” and ONLY have it on the stuff that is always skipped that can be toggled on or off

Not caring for a loot filter, only thing i do hope for is that… they make it like d3 drops, drops to the character and not the group. If i dont need an occy as a barb ill give it to a sorc on trade unless i know them irl.

to add to this statement.
and to just drive it home completely beyond any doubt…

not only can someone else loot filter hide items i want to find…
a bad loot filter can actually cause the game to crash when a certain item drops

i could literally make a game and set my loot filter to crash when some specific rare i have is dropped… and then just drop the game… to crash everyone’s client.
THAT is the power people will have if you FORCE other players to use THEIR filter.

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d3 loot system is just fine. and makes people nicer instead of grinding for sojs and scamming for sojs as well.

LOL, You bumped this… three months later to say that ???

Did you EVER play d2???

what you said makes zero sense… especially after 1.09
grinding for SOJ? what is this???

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What you saying is very true, but saying it’s unfair is simply not true, if everyone can use it everyone probably will, more so it will make it easier for new players to figure out what to pick up from the ground

having said that I tested loot filters and it’s a nice addition but I’m used to the normal way it functions, so I don’t mind it either way