PSA: Diablo 2 Resurrected Now Has Its Own Forums

With D2R’s launch, there are now a set of forums dedicated to all things D2, including its own Bug Report forum.

Be sure to post any issues you’re having with D2R in the D2R forums!


This thread should be pinned…   at least for a while.  


We both know that no-one reads the pinned threads until after we reply to them telling them the information they need is already in one.


For visibility.

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Why doesn’t Blizzard moderate their own forums, especially on game launch day?

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Blizzard is being inconsistent…

First… they support @Leviathan’s post about new D2R forums

Then… after one of the regulars has taken the time to ask D2R posters to use the D2R forums to detail their issue and seek a solution, they step in and start troubleshooting

Go figure…


I suspect that because the same TS agents man all the Technical Support forums across all the games, Kald just figured that they might as well deal with it there in the D3 TS.

But yeah, ideally they should be discouraging posting in the wrong place (my opinion).


Are we helping the situation by copy-pasting the same message?

Players do not come back to read replies, and Blizzard has had YEARS to learn this lesson.

Let the forums BURN! Maybe Blizzard will learn something.

Why are we “helping”?
Who are we helping?
Are we making this worse for the future by throwing cupfulls of water on a burning tire fire?

If you had told them 6 months ago that this exact thing would happen, would they have hired someone to moderate the forums?


Why? Fun, especially if you give a little kick to the shins for the audacity.

Who? Myself as I sometimes find neat info I might use later.

Sounds like you just enjoy telling random people on the internet that they made a mistake.

If you are not here to help, then isn’t that just Troll behaviour?

The players are not being helped, and Blizzard is not being helped. That is just the way I see it.

You can watch the catastrophe from afar, and still learn from it. But I am not telling you what to do.

Blizzard keeps doing the same thing over, and over again, and people keep jumping in to bail them out.

They will never learn if we make the problem look better than it is. They need to see their mistakes in all of its ugliness. How many times have they done the exact same thing?


I don’t care about that.

if users don’t return, then that’s their waste.

Hi again,

Perhaps Blizzard could lock any post they encounter that is clearly for Diablo II: Resurrected… with a short note that these forums are for Diablo III and that there are dedicated forums for Diablo II: Resurrected… as was done here:

Of course, if someone has already pointed out that there are dedicated forums for D2R, all that would be needed is a lock on the topic.

I think D2R players would get the message… eventually… instead of me looking like a villain trying to control where they are posting.

Just my 2€.


I agree. Where is that person with forum authority? The job position seems to be needed, but they are not hiring for it.

It would be like a part time job for 2-3 people that have any experience with the games.

Just give someone the ability to move posts between forums, and then copy/paste helpful information that comes directly from Blizzard, instead of relying on players.

There is no shortage of good advice being given to blizzard over the years. They just need to follow it.

Why don’t the actual developers of the game “man” the forums for the first few nights and help the people who pay their salaries?

More communication, they said? More community and forum involvement, they said?

Where are they?

They probably will eventually. Right now they are dealing with a bit of a chaos. I think they want to give folks sometime to move over before seeming too unfriendly.

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Can’t a moderator manually move threads?

Can’t a moderator with blue text answer some of the threads on the forums?

It seems to be a lot of the same issues over and over again.

In some cases.

They have answered a few tech ones. They really want people to go over to the D2R forums though.

You have no idea.

I also forgot how “edgey” D3 was on release with people being really trollish/toxic to each other. I also forgot about being green in that situation.

One of their biggest “upsets” is discovring that there is a profanity filter and it is auto turned on without an off (bad thing and should be fixed), but also that there are RULES on modern Bnet where you can get reported and silenced. I am the most evil thing ever for explaining that.

I did pass up the feedback on the filter, but they really need to realize there are actual game rules for Blizz - and they cover all games.

Ah well. I guess I could ignore them and let them find out the hard way.