PS4 ultimate evil language problem

I’ve tried posting this question on an answered thread but it didn’t get any responses, so I’m starting a new one.

I’ve bought PS4 Ultimate Evil Edition that said it came in Portuguese (it said so in the name of the game within PS Store).

Once installed, the game ran in Spanish.

I’m using my PlayStation in English but I tried following the suggestion made here on another topic to change my console’s language to Brazilian Portuguese and still the game runs in Spanish.

Why the game doesn’t have a simple language setting is just… impressive…

Still, I really would appreciate to play my game either in English OR Portuguese… Can someone help me?

Any luck with that? I bought it recently and I’m having the same problem…

For some stupid reason the ps4 sometimes hides the other version of the game.
Try going to library-purchased-press the options button on the controller-show hidden content

[Edited by Blizzard] This thread has been inactive for some time. Please be mindful of resurrecting older threads. A new or more recent thread can be created to continue the discussion. Locking this thread.