Procedural generation - One overlooked drawback of shared zones

one argument i hadnt seen much - shared zones mean that (yet again) outdoor areas will be static like in d3.

I dont know about you, but i prefer the entire world procedurally generated like in d2. Later iteration of rifts in d3 clearly demonstrated that it wasnt at all impossible to generate random maps with outdoor tile sets. Personally for me, the fixed locations became boring really fast in d3.

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According to them, only dungeons will be randomly generate and there will be hundreds of those. Many of them which are outside world bits, so beside having a static outside, it will have randomized portions to it.

How much? No idea.

I’m actually looking forward to a static world, it makes the randomized dungeons more engaging since they change every time you enter them.
Unlike a static world where at least i know where the dungeon entrance is and it makes the world more believeable.
Dont forget D2 had a static world map, which was procedurally generated each time you played a different character. I think D4’s world is much more in line with D2 than D3 is.

On that we disagree.
I’ve played d3 a lot, and it gets really boring when you learn zines by heart. Either running a bounty or levellingvanother character, you come to the location and you KNOW where the exit of the zone is. You KNOW both of the two spots where a cave entrance that you need could spawn.
You just run there and thats it.

D2 was not an MMO, and a randomly generated open world might create problems for an MMO game.

Anyway, they would have both interior and exterior random dungeons.

The bigger problem I see with procedural generation is that it is not on the level I want it to be:

My point exactly.
Look at the thread title. Diablo being semi-mmo means not having a great feature

They could potentially make the open world procedual - this is more of a designer choice than programming constriction it seems. But they have decided not to.

But we do have exterior procedural content, don’t worry about this.

The end game in open world won’t require much going back and forth through it I think. If it does require, the designers choice to abandon procedural generation in open world would be a mistake.

When we’re talking about uploading an entire world to dozens of players each time they log in to a new server - that’s not an insubstantial amount of data.

95% they’re not doing procedural generation because of that rather than design choice

No, you can generate specific layouts and match players only in those layouts.

Say, you have 100k players and 1k layouts - this means 100 players are in the same layout.

Lead Dungeon Designer, Zaven Haroutunian, confirmed dungeons will be randomly generated and they can appear throughout the world as both interior and exterior environments.

He starts talking about it around the 14m mark:

Just before his presentation, Angela Priore talks more about how open world and dungeons interact with players.

I know about dungeons.
But the five open world zones will be static, i think.

That’d be better than static zones, but I dont think they’ll do that. I think the zones will be static like in d3, with only small changes - a ruin here, a tree there, dungeon entrance around the corner