Primal ancient: still kicking a dead zombie

Really is there some reason this is not working… I did 5 pages of T-16 bounty’s, broke them down all together , around 10,000 blood shards , used the cube to upgrade a lot of rare items and re-forged legendry’s … not one primal. So I do several GR 90’s in a 3 block stile fast as I can…(with over 11min. left)… nothing … so on and so on. I am just trying to figure out the algorithm… AND I’m trying to figure out the (random) part ,I’ve ran with guys that it seems they get one every time they visit Kaine. So I am like W T H…

thanks ; frustrated… any other suggestions ???

The only requirement for getting primals is to perform a tier 70 Greater Rift solo (ie, your blood shard cap is at least 1200 – the 1650 in the screenshot below)… other than that, it’s just luck.

So… check your blood shard cap… if it’s 1200 or more, you’re good to go… a prayer to the gods of RNG might help, but is not required…

thanks ,Doing just under 1500 blood shards at a time … and don’t think the gods are interested in me…lol

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The current Primal Ancient wasn’t worth the time to farm it. The power gain from it is very minimal considering that getting almost perfect ancient is easier.


it is really sad when I find a yellow that has better stat’s then the ancient I have.

meteorblade will impact soon and will start to say 400 legs etc…

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The primal drop rate is 1 in 400 legendaries. If you collect 1200 legendaries, there still about 5% chance that none will be primal

Success rate = 1/400
Failure rate = 399/400
Odds of 1,200 consecutive failures = 0.0496 = (399/400)^1200 =4.96%

thanks! I think…! Not sure if that helps but it sounds logical. kind of like (4 out of 5 people will fart every HR.) but thank you though…

you have to keep in mind it’s a probabilistic chance.

think of it as playing blackjack all night with a new deck of cards every single game. You might get blackjack every single game, or you might not get a single winning hand all night.

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stop caring about them?

Not only is the drop rate low, the odds of getting one for your specific build, with the correct rolls is even more astronomical…I’ve gotten 1 single usable primal this season so you’re not alone.

Hell I finally got a primal FoT to drop and it rolled even lousier than the cruddy non-ancient I’m wearing (and I mean significantly lousier…it rolled socket, lightning, dex, CDR, movespeed).

Red beams aren’t even exciting at this point…just pending disappointment usually.


Just be patient, your Primal Templar token is on its way (and it won’t be the immortal one either).


Ancients have 1/10th chance to appear in quality grade, Primal ancients vary between 1/380-1/400(0.025-0.026%) but I find 1/435 (0.022-0.023%) chance to be more accurate to depict the possibility.
This means… uh… How can I put it… Let’s say you want the “item-A” and want it as a primal so you solely gamble at the Kanai’s or Kadala; you only get your targeted item at the desired grade after failing about 430+ times. And that’s only for item-A; before getting a primal quality item-A, you have to see item-A as an ancient or regular quality about more than 400-430 times.

Kadala pulls the item quality at random between magical to legendary on gamble attempts, so you may never see your desired target legendary item for over 70-80 attempts just once. At the other hand, we have Kanai’s to pull the guaranteed legendary from a pool of 7-20 Legendary-Set items at the same slot with each upgrade attempt. That again, lessens your chance to target anything.
According to Kanai’s upgrade you have a static chance of getting 1/7-1/20 your desired item by upgrade, it’s even worse at Kadala as she never really guarantees anything about item’s grade to start with. Getting a rare item at Kadala is irrelevant for your Primal chances, as legendary items on their own integrity has a chance to appear as higher quality.

Do you realize how long it would take and how much material it would consume to get it by upgrade or shard gamble? Only ideal path for grabbing a Primal is either reforging (so you guarantee that you see the fails on the targeted item without distractors) or attending seasonal play each season.
Yet, that’s surely impractical unless you’re looting by regularly playing or have “generous clanmates” to hope that RNG smiles on you.

Because, chance of getting a primal item from reforges take more or less about 435-450+ tries; that’s about 20-22.5k Forgotten souls and 2-3k of bounty crafting material from each act clear. I know that reforge has such a high cost but it offers way less pitfalls than upgrade rare or shard gamble routes.
Upgrading 400 rare items at Kanai’s take you 10k DBs and 20k of each from low grade material, besides you always have 1/7-1/20 chance to get the item you were targetting from the pool. Attempting 400 gambles at Kadala take about 10-20k shards and there will be plain rare or magical items between those. Trying your chance at Kanai’s upgrade or Kadala gamble may seem cost effective but might as well take longer due to small pitfalls.
However, when you’re not playing regularly that’s still the best bet for you to try a little bit of everything and try to play the game “loot oriented” to clear everywhere, instead of time efficient to race until GR keystones.

Primal items are just fish hooks to convince you to attend to seasons each time. You can play the game just fine with 5-10 less stats from a near perfect rolled ancient item, that’s why primals are just perfect rolled ancients to not cause an obsession effect. Just put a slightly higher augmentation target and you would hardly can tell the difference.
Now I think I’ll read a bunch of “give more guaranteed primals at every door step for free so I can stop attending at next season” posts.

late edit: numbers and structure.

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another thing of note is, ancients rarely make a difference when it comes to improving your stats.

What ancients do for you is improve stats like mainstat, vitality, all res and armor, along with a few others which aren’t worth mentioning.

Most builds will benefit more from a combination of crit hit/dmg, area dmg, attack speed, cooldown/resource cost reduction and skill/elemental dmg increase. These stats aren’t increased on ancient items, which diminishes their usefulness, until you’re ready to start augmenting, and even then, I’d wait out for an ancient with at least as good stats as the ones I’ve already got on my non-ancient.

I’ve helped a lot of people over the year I’ve been playing, and a thing I see a lot, especially among the younger kids that play the game, is they come in dressed in full ancient bewildered by the fact that they can only clear a 90 and I can do 10-30 grs higher than them with the same build. After a lot of complaining I finally convince them to switch their pieces around a bit with the cube’s recipe 4 and they go up like 10 GRs just because their stats start looking much more like what the build needs.

Not saying that’s your case, but it goes to show how much important having the right stats are than getting a primal, getting all ancients, or even getting all primals.

You can even see that on the leaderboards, where the highest ranking players will most certainly have at least one non-ancient piece, and a lot of them will have 2-4 pieces that will never get augmented, because they never got an ancient that measured up to that first leggo that dropped from, idk, haedrig’s gift :stuck_out_tongue:


So true…I rocked a non-ancient Focus almost this entire season because i had 6CHC/50CHD and not a single ancient dropped for me with both until this past weekend (and even then, only 5CHC)

thank you ! for your advice , you are welcome to check out my team and any and all advice will be excepted . i have a couple that can do gr-90 but only my D.H. can do GR 100…

There is no secret to getting Primals. Just put on Cain set and farm several hundred keys. The put together a speed build that can do GR 80-90 or so in under 2 minutes. You can do higher but you might also want to empowered GRs for gem upgrades.

Then mindlessly do them all day. You will get a ton of Primals. Most useless but you eventually get something useable.

This is so mindless but it works.


I made a post with general stats for your gear on the GoD DH, you can check it out here:

hope it helps!

Very true, however weapons are the exception to this, as the ancient damage range is typically significantly higher. This of course can be outweighed if the legendary power provides a large boost to skill damage and the non ancient is significantly higher.

That said, I agree you shouldn’t wear an ancient with crap stats just because it’s ancient if you have a non ancient with good rolls.

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yeah, can’t believe I forgot to mention that lol. Thanks for pointing it out!

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