Prey to people not reporting you in game

Needless to say, I have made unpopular posts and have been attacked for it in words on this forum. If you stay respectful or do not engage, you will stay on the right side of Blizzard.

I can’t help but laugh here. There is no block list on this forum. You can stop getting notifications from a thread or poster, but you can’t block or ignore anyone.

You were outright wrong in many of your assertions and assumptions - right down to assuming how the forum works.

Exactly. And I think TuneOut knows that. He agreed with that in the TS thread.

One thing is this forum, another is the game itself.
I got the penalty in game, but since I cannot play there won’t be any issues.
I know I have discussed with you and it has ended.

I just want people to be aware and debate the subject of this matter.
I have stayed somewhat patient and I think for this amount of time, it should have seen a result or at least a reply in one way or another.

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I can try asking again next week. Last I heard though, there was no ETA on a fix. Further, some of the behavior of posters in the TS thread was … well you remember what the Blues had to say about it. That did not help encourage Blizz to fix it fast.

Shows how much you know. There is a thing called Stylish for browsers that allow you to dictate just what the browser shows you on any site. You can remove any aspect you want and even hide posts based on user name. Here let me give you a link. Oh wait cant so. Im sure you can look it up.


I would like that thanks.
I know they should not reply if there aren’t anything to show up with. But then again, I just want to know if there is some progress or just a matter of “we can’t”

You can give a link use the block quote feature Preformatted text </> or use ~ before the website name.

If she wants she can go find it. I’m done with her and her how do I say brown nosing the company. It will take me only a few min to code it up.


I do know it is complicated. The penalty is applied at the Bnet account level now and how that works has been changing.

Old Blizz games had the chat system entirely contained in each individual game. Penalties were specific to the game license.

The newer Bnet system moved the chat, and a lot of other things, up to the bnet account level. How that interacts with each of the games is finicky. D3 is a much older game and is not playing nicely with the Bnet account penalties.

It is going to take both teams to sit down and sort out what is going on. What change would need to be made to fix it, and if they even want to fix it. If it would take a major D3 chat system overhaul to play with the new Bnet features, they might not do it.

That’s what I am afraid of. Also for other players as well.
If Diablo 4 was on it’s way already, I would not care that much. But I would appreciate it if you were to poke a bit around. And again, thanks for the help. I really appreciate it , so do my brain and how it’s messed up.

I have asked about this like I promised. It is currently still listed as a bug to be resolved, but I don’t have a status update yet. A request for an update has gone out to QA. I don’t know when/if I will hear back though.

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I hope you do. But at least, the thing I can do is say a big thanks to you for asking around. This is really helpfull for me at least, just to get something. So many thanks ( again ) for your help and time


It is indeed disheartening to say the least. I join a group of 3 friends to do GR 150’s, they ask me to change some skills around which will negate my iceblink, and overall change how I play my zmonk, when I refuse they start harassing me, insulting me, and telling me their going to kick me. I ( shouldnt have ) cuss at them and leave. 3 minutes later im silenced, because all 3 of them reported me and got a couple of friends to report me as well (as ive been told in discord). Sure, i was in the wrong by cussing, but toxic players should not be able to use this ‘feature’ as a way for them to attack someone who didn’t comply with them. It’s not like I was just verbally abusing someone and deserved a silence. Regardless, I guess it’s time to take a break as this has really negatively impacted my views towards this game.

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Same deal here. Blizzards policy is : getting muted 2-3 times and they won’t let you appeal a mute. But others can just spam report you and you get muted = can’t play. Seems like they don’t want to fix this either. So you need to either play solo or simply don’t play at all.

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Or play with people you know and trust. People who won’t take your jabs and/or offensive remarks personally.

And if you insist on playing in Public games, at least try to be less confrontational.  

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Oh, I know I am to blame for my mutes. I took the bait so to speak. But still, I miss playing and gonna miss out entirely of season 19 / the pet. And I wanted it so badly, but well, I can’t force Blizzard. Just a bit a shame there aint nothing to be done with it

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Now that Blizzard is recycling Season Rewards, I’m sure it will come around again…     SoonTM.

I’m sorry you’ll have to wait for it and I hope Blizzard resolves this Mute/Ban issue much sooner than SoonTM.  

Thanks… ! And yeah, I hope I get a chance before Diablo 4 comes. Just wish I could play… I really got an urge for it… :slight_smile:

I think we must have different definitions of the word “friends”.

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‘They’ were friends, I guess I should have worded it better.