Possible achievement for primal unlocked not working

I an playing with a barb and about a week ago i finally unlocked primals by doing the solo 70 rift and got two right away. for the past week i have done hundreds of 70-120 lvl rifts and not received any while hearing from my friend that he has found some and even unlocked primal weapons after me. I have read that there are no bugs for primal drop and that its just extremely unlucky, with 1 in 400 odds but i have ran close to 400 rifts and not one primal. Seems like it is glitched or something and not just bad luck.

The drop rate for primals is approximately 1 in 400 which means…
Chance that in X drops, none of them would be primal = (399/400)^X

So, you’ve done 400 rifts / GRs. Let’s assume you get 10 legendaries per run. That means you’ve had 4000 legendary drops. So, what are the odds that none of them would be primal…

Chance that in 4000 drops, none of them would be primal = (399/400)^4000 = 0.0000448

So, around 4-5 people in 10,000 would get that result.
That’s 1 in 2500 to 1 in 2000.

Unlucky? Sure.
Bugged? Nope.

Late to the party but as was already stated, definitely not a bug… I will go days without seeing primal and I run hundreds of rifts over the course of 2-3 days… I only have one primal that I use that actually dropped from rifts (Squirts) the rest of them have come from gambling way beyond 10k shards for specific pieces… its usually closer to 100k shards… point is, they’re out there… they’re not supposed to be something you can easily grind.