PoJ Damage just dropping off

Has anyone else noticed that sometimes damage just drops from billions into the millions? Possibly linked to Epiphany not sure. Haven’t seen anything on here recently. Thanks for your time.

Yes, same with swk and any wol spec before. Its caused by lags imo but i have no indicator. E.g. When i push 130+ with my swk specc and after killing a whole lot of trash a yellow is single target and last enemy standing. Since i have monster hp on i know ots only one rotation and since its single target a crit will be there. And then only a few mios on hp bar goes down where usually a more trillion hit should be.

Not sure why this occurs with the Sunwuko set. I haven’t played it enough but with the Justice set, it’s Sweeping Wind causing the issue. If you begin to channel Tempest Rush before the game reads Sweeping Wind as active, you will not receive the bonus damage. Just let Tempest go for a second and begin to channel again to fix it.