Pointless grind of seasonal characters when zbarbs ard clearing 150s

Well I think we may finally be on the same page now. Yes to everything you said. There is no point to grind ar all unless you are willing to play the optimal way. And even then in a season when paragon rules botters will walk all over non botters. My guess for season 22 rat runs will get people to 3k in two weeks or less then progress to 10kish by the end. If you do not do this you will be far behind.

You are correct when blizzard puts out a garbage theme and allows for it to happen you either do it or not. If you dont do it will not win the rigged race. There taxi just happens to be a zbarb.

zbarb is awesome. everybody should play zbarb anyway

I understand your frustration but I also understand the point chris is making as well with regards to the most optimal style of play. Ultimately over time any season these days it seems you have two choices; participate in an endless grind or take advantage of whatever OP seasonal theme they’ve implemented. This season has definitely cranked that level of absurdity up by having 1k paragon zbarbs getting 150 clears.

I typically can’t (and have no desire) participate in the season long paragon grind and usually it takes some time for folks to figure out how to exploit whatever theme is in place so what I tend to do is ‘push’ the first weekend of a season as a mini-project when the field has some modicum of balance. Set a personal goal and go for it as quickly as you can, I find that more rewarding than competing with the rats and bots and an endless string of ‘cookies’ from the oven.

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Exactly. You were given a choice to play zbarb and chose not to play it. It is not only the most optimal way but the only way to clear a 150 this season. If you choose to play any other build or class you will voluntarily not be at the top of the leaderboards. Doesn’t matter how good you are or how hard you grind. Using gimmicks/cheats/hud is the most optimal way until blizzard puts there foot down and fixes the problem. Even if they ban people they just buy a new account and instantly can make a zbarb again.

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what a surprise. 80% of the people played DH this season, so go figure why there are so many DH clears

Play the game however you want to… hopefully in a way that you enjoy. But don’t complain when your chosen way to play doesn’t yield optimal results.

For what it’s worth, I agree with you 100% that it feels dumb to be playing a game where zdps specs are topping the charts. It is unintuitive and doesn’t fit with the diablo theme… but more importantly for me it’s not fun. So I choose not to play that game, but I don’t harbor any resentment towards those who are optimizing.

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LOL shows you how much I pay attention to season leaderboards. Just roll a DH much easier the playing a zbarb and doing it.

Think that was 2 seasons ago… last season was extra slot in the cube.

I think the shadow clones are actually sort of a response to these sorts of concerns… they scale off your character’s damage, rather than the GR level. So with a zdps character, the clones will do basically zero damage as well.

Hopefully, killing enemies with “the weather” will only show up occasionally in the future.