Plz restart Asia Server

Asia server has login issue.
Stucking in loading character,dozen of my friends on battlenet do too.
I believe the reason causing this is the data on Asia server.
Because I can play on U.S. Server but can’t in Asia server(TW and Korea both).

This doesn’t belong to this forum. Support doesn’t come to this forum. You should post on Technical Support forum instead.

I just did a quick login test on Asia. I have no issue and able to entering a game.

I certainly be sure of something going wrong with Asia server.
Unless you mean 17 players of my Battlenet friends stucking in character loading are in coincidence?

I’d suspect this is a routing issue. Over 90% of connectivity issues that players blame on Blizzard servers actually have nothing to do with Blizzard. The connection gets routed through number of points between the player and the server and it only takes one point in between to glitch out to cause issues.

I had tested both TW and KR servers at the time I replied. Played fine on both servers.

If you have problem with both servers, it is likely a network problem near your end; e.g. ISP issue. If all 17 players are using same ISP, then those players could be affected. Unless you run some diagnostic tests, e.g. WinMTR, it is difficult to confirm. (Note that the connection near Asia servers are maskedl; but the report is still helpful for troubleshooting client-side issues.)

Edit: extra information about Asia undersea cable issues. Below are some notices from a TW ISP 中華電信:

The English translation of last notics as follow: