Pls give back the tetris

Are you aware of the fact, that the percentage wise size of the inventory depends on the resolution you are playing on? What you state here, sir, is simply complete non sense.

Also with the “size” of the inventory, most people in here are referring to, how many items fit in there, not how big it is displayed…

Without poor items, there are no strong items, I think that’s trivially clear to all of us.

I think that being said, the most important thing for an ARPG is NOT killing monsters, but having the feeling of “I can improve” my character. Either by choosing a nice skill spec, or by finding better items, or by using my skills more efficiently… And for that feeling to arise, you simply have to put in some inconveniences for the player, which have to be overcome. These can be monsters, which get stronger over acts / playtime / dungeon level, whatever. But it can also be a deep skill system, you have to manage to grasp and make progress in.

All in all, an ARPG is way more than killing monsters, but making decisions to optimize your char.

Resolution doesn’t affect anything that is sized to a % of it. Are you aware I’m a dev? What you’re suggesting is an inventory coded for exact dimensions. You would NEVER do this.

And making those decisions to then what? Sit around town? You are optimizing your character to kill monsters.

For me, its more important, to see the items
Small inventories with super small objects like grim dawn hurt my eyes xD
(Probably too high resolution xD)

YES, you should do this from time to time IMO. And you should sit down and compare items and think about which one is better for you, and sometimes none of them is, so you just go with the item you like better.

Otherwise it is “KILL MONSTERS” only, like in D3.

If you only wanna kill monsters, you don’t need levels or gear… And if you don’t want to think about what you are doing, D3 might be ideal for you.

Well, then I am horribly mistaken here, but as far as I remember, the UI of most games scales with the resolution. So it is at least the case for D2 (ok very old example) and WoW, where I am 100% sure.

No because you need good systems to make a good killing game. Good stats (better than str dex int) good skill system (better than D2 or D3) good itemization, etc.

D3 has a good combat system in terms of animation and impact, but lacks the second part of the scrutiny of character build for how it is involved in combat.

We actually want the same thing. I’m just saying in a different way than you.

Not, if you dont want tetris :<

Ah, so D2 was not a good ARPG, you mean?

And what would be a better stat system, than the success bringing systems in the past? And what the hell would be better itemization than in D2? I have never seen better. Not saying, it is impossible, but I doubt, that you can come up with a better one right now.

I don’t think we want the same, if you only wanna kill monsters and never wanna sit in town, thinking about skills and items.

Exactly. Which means 33% of a 1080p res is not the same size of 33% of a 2160p res, but it will adjust accordingly.

Forgive me, but it sounds like his argument is that it wouldn’t look good on a different resolution which would only be the case if you coded exact dimensions ie 300x100.

You might be completely right there, I think I was being stupid right there. Nevertheless, I don’t share your opinion with the relative size. It can fill 50% of the screen and by an awesome inventory. But tbh, I care less about the visuals and more about the details in the mechanics. And I think there are 1-2 good reasons for a simplified tetris system.

I’ve come up with a stat system that I think is better. It’s very in depth so I’m going to try and go over it quick.

5 stats, 3 offense, 2 defense. But they apply to skills not attributes. Impact as a stat applies to bash, seismic slam, meteor, etc. It intrinsically applies to characters from the beginning. Unlike strength which doesn’t apply to any sorc skills intrinsically.

It replaces the crit system. Because crits are less interesting than crit effects.

It has milestone bonuses. Every X stat gives you a point that has a small talent system of it’s own. This gives breakpoints for players to seek (like D2 breakpoints) but is clear to the players.

The talents then provide character choice in what bonuses the stats give as opposed to every other system that just provides generic bonuses across all characters.

That’s the quick and easy version of it.

The d3 inventory is actually displayed pretty THICC
which is a good thing
But they could have made it sightly higher res and more space and give items a form

You don’t generally want any menus that take up more than 33% of the screen. It’s too intrusive. Look at D3. The character and inventory are attached and actually take up less than 33% (looks like 30%).

In D4, the character stats are on the opposite side which means your inventory would be much larger. And sorry for any confusion, what I mean is 33% horizontally. It can take up 100% vertically.

It appears that the items take up 1 slot and that’s fine, something they could do is increase the size of the slots but this also decreases the amount you can carry.

Attributes are supposed to effect your character in a very fundamental basic way, not certain skills or effects
But thats offtopic
Feel free to comment in the attributes topic xD

The fundamental way in which characters interact with their environment is their skills whether attacking skills, defending skills, or movement skills. How is that not affecting your character in fundamental ways?

Like I’ve said. This is a killing game. It’s not about charisma checks or history checks. Everything about our character comes down to killing monsters, and living long enough to kill monsters.

We do that through our skills.

That might be a super good idea, it just doesn’t appeal to me, because I like the fundamental attributes across all classes. You can generate a lot of depth and thinking by having very simple and easy systems. You just have to make the player commit to it, not like in D3, where choosing a skill doesn’t mean anything.

See, your system might be good, maybe it’s genius, idk. But the skill system IMO was never a problem in the old Diablo titles, so I would first improve the weaknesses and then go on and try to improve the systems, that were already good.

BUT here in the forums and obviously in the dev team, people are going crazy and trying to reinvent the wheel and IMO most of the time, the systems are worse, like we have clearly seen in D3.

Humans reinvent the wheel all the time. We don’t use wooden wheels for cars for a reason. And we have better tires that have better traction and can last longer after a puncture.

Games can’t grow and evolve by trying to make a wooden wheel as strong as possible if it just can’t handle the weight of a metal car.

Its about what the character itself is made of
Muscleman: str
Though bear: vit
Sneeky peeky: dex
Educated smartass: int
Mighty enlightend beeing: energy (mana)
(Id split that into kinda magic and physical energy to provide the dual resource system)
Marathon guy: energy (physical)