if you join a room with the option enabled, what are you doing, making people follow a rule you selected or letting them choose to do it?

The economy changes by changing the way trading works as a result of being affected by item drop rates.

Yes thereā€™s one economy changes , less loots for botters & pickit users in pubs games haha

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Anyways if they can make ploot work without messing with drop rates mf or creating an environment that botters and item selling sites can exploit I see no problem with it and I am an old school player. I just donā€™t have much trust that they can do any of this without messing something up. FFA really isnā€™t that bad you wont see many drops while doing xp runs anyways not ones that actually matter at least.

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If no one is forcing you to join a room, then youā€™re not being forced. No one is forcing one to join a ploot room. If one chooses to join one, they are choosing to use ploot rules.

How would trading change? I think you may not understand what is being suggested. But please explain in what way trading/economy would change due to this. Itā€™s the same items that would drop, no more, no less. Economy stays the same.

exactly it actually will make the economy a lot more active because of this too, more items in more players hands = more trading, most the items in a few players hands = hoarding and over charging for the few things they didnā€™t manage to take yet. Lastly less items being sold for real money by hackers/bots instead of in game by players.


Well if you meet someone new to mf with and they steal loot and donā€™t share they are probably not a good friend to play with in the first place. And yes you are correct grabbing a shako off meph solo and doing some pit runs is easy so whatā€™s the problem again?

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ā€œSo please the first thing to improve is personal loot, that means when someone kill a mob all the players nearby have a chance to get personal loot (items, gold, etc) i think that will be awesome and appreciate really much all the work that do for that game! Thanks a lot for that!ā€

in regards to how the OP put it, if I were to join a Ploot game, hypothetically speaking, and get an equal opportunity as a ranged player not timing positioning to get the drops to barter for better gear potentially allowing me to beat the act faster, where is the value in a Hell-mode SoJ when I could hop on a different character who has gotten further and just farm the same thing in pub matches?

edit: as in rushed to hell not power levelled

You mind changing it to:
ā€œploot is the safer way to get itemsā€

It is easy to get loot in the game in the first place.

You can play however you feel would be the most optimal way for you to play.

the problem is just because doing something solo is easy and possibly the most efficient given that you are playing with people of all different skill levels in public games. Playing as a group is the most fun way to play d2 in my book and it was designed around that, hence why item drops increase with more people. Because of the toxicity of the loot system though it is also the least popular way to play currently. playing solo for mf wont change in a personal loot system so people who prefer to mf like they do now donā€™t even have to worry about the toggle but people who want to group would have a real option that doesnā€™t require vetting people to see who you can trust before you play with them.

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Good reason not to waste resource on ploot development.

Since release. We know. So?

How do you know if you dont see the whole drop of everysingle player?

So another good reason why not to waste resource on ploot develpoment.

First big problem. You have some weird logic that if you see something then it belongs to you. (Dont go outside pls)

Well actually lot of players likes it. You are also here. You bought the game. We have no ploot in the game. Or you bought the game in a hope of that ploot MAYBE comes? 40$ for a big maybe?

New gamers need to adapt to the game and not the game to them. New gamers are also bought the game so they like FFA.

1 Shako and 1 ber rune drops. Rng decide he gets both. 1/8 ofc. If you count arrows and potions xD

Distance? So i cant just follow you from 1 yard and still just not do anything?
Damage? Most enemy dies from 1 hit? So you want to give more loot for the already geared players? That is fair in your rethoric?

So timned loot or ploot? Cant decide?

Cheaters need to be banned and not change the game around them.

Looting is part of gameplay. Social? You going to give loot or trade anyway after the run

But you told me statistically its the same. So? Confused?

As i have told already: You bought the game where is FFA.

Well d2r has. 1.14 with small QoL

Open for hearing. But that dosent mean you get what you want.

So? This is not reason. These are all personal problems. But trying to found where the game was advertised as first SJW game.

So? You want to tell us if you dont have any friends online then you cant play the game? There are others also on the server if you didnt know.

If i think on how many days you needed to write this together and i only needed about 10 min.
Wellā€¦ EZ


Sure good point. Good luck with your ploot man I dont care one way or the other if it does not mess with the game I donā€™t care. But if they try and fudge it up man that would be so bad for the game. I hope for the sake of a great game like diablo 2 they donā€™t even bother trying unless its 100% fool proof no if ands or buts. Something tells me there are to many factors involved with good ol d2.

hereā€™s another point, if you put roll for need roll for greed in like WoW, what happens if everyone rolls for greed?

thereā€™s a great saying my grandfather used which I donā€™t hear anymore called ā€œIf it isnā€™t broken donā€™t fix it.ā€

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On this, I think we all agree. But the only way they could really mess this up is by making it the ONLY looting system. That would be stupid.

Everyone rolls a dice, and the one closest to 100 win, like in wow

how is that any different from FFA where the fastest one wins? it just adds more wasted time and time is precious to me.

Because, again, the fatest is not fair (Ping/disabilities/controller for consoles players)

I got to agree with you man but I guess im a little old school I love d2 just the way it is. Some fresh paint on that old girl and shes good to go for another 20 years damn she looks good.

themā€™s the brakes, kid.

Iā€™m just 30, try again maybe

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